Batman The dark Knight apk+data full ofline MM ke bawah HD openworld offline

Batman The dark Knight apk+data full ofline MM ke bawah HD openworld offline

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Cara install :

1. Download file diatas
2. Extract .zip 
3. Install .apk
4. Taruh data di /android/data/
5. Play offline

*support OS android marshmallow kebawah 

About Game :

Mobile games of good quality, with stories similar to moviya, albeit with some extras to make the game long and worth playing. There will be 25 missions that must be live players divided into 6 chapters and 3 missions in free roaming. Free roaming is to give players the freedom to explore the city without following the main storylinebattle system in this game is also quite simple, because it only has one action button just to do combo that must be repetitiously repeated. Batman movement also looks natural with many variations so it is very fun and comfortable to d play. Through this game, players can try gadgets such as batarang or bat pot legendary weapon of bat man.The Dark Knigth also has a leveling system in which each player level up, player can upgrade the gadget parts to get stronger. There are 3 main parts that can be upgraded, first gadget of course, eg raise the batarang range and strengthen the main gun Batman. The second is a vehicle upgrade that is bat pot and the bat is super cool. The latter is a character upgrade that includes armor, attack and others. All of these upgrades require SP which will get every player level up, except the upgrade part of the characters there are some parts that use gold.

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