/This time Mimin will discuss Nintendo Switch games that are also released on Android versions
Full List games :
1. Animus
Animus Harbringer 500mb APK+OBB HD Action 3D Game Android Offline DownloadDownload
Cara Install :
1. Download file
2. Extract file
3. Install .apk
4. Copy / Taruh data di folder /android/obb/
5. Play offline
/Game Story: Animus - Harbinger is a medieval action game in a European magical style. In the game, players will play a warrior and start an adventure. You will face all kinds of strong enemies. Below movie level picture quality, the overall game gives People an epic game-like feel. The game is divided into different levels of difficulty, which are suitable for players of all levels. The combat mode of the tactical action also allows you to show your talents.
2. Icey
Icey 339mb mobile game action platformer versi Android offline mod apk+obbDownload
Cara install :
1. extract file
2. install apk
3. copy / taruh file obb ke /internal/android/obb
4. play game android offline
Rekomendasi game seru & simple lagi nih game bergenre platformer action 2D HACK n SLASH ini game tentang karakter anime mirip sih project diva kalian pasti tau kan... Hatsune Miku. Dari jauh rambut berwarna hijau. ini game rilis di playstore juga paid game
/I recommend a fun & simple game again, this 2D action platformer game HACK n SLASH is a game about anime characters similar to the diva project, you know ... Hatsune Miku. From afar the hair is green. This game released on the Playstore is also a paid game
Informasi :
◾Title: Icey
◾Genre: Platformer, Action
◾Gameplay: 2D.
◾Year: 2017
◾Size: 355mb apk+obb
◾Region: Global, English
◾Graphic quality: HD
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Jelly bean+
◾Rating: 4.5 from 5
◾Playstore : Yes (paid game)
◾Developer: XD network
3. Oxenfree
Oxenfree 1.2gb adventure 2D seru unik game android offllineDownload apk
Download obb
Cara install :
1. Install apk
2. Extract obb
3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract ke folder /Internal/android/obb
4. Play offline game android
Menikmati liburan yang menyenangkan
/Enjoy a pleasant holiday
4. Riptide gp renegade
RiptideGP RACING offline android game HDDownload
5. AOV
Arena of valor Download
6. Limbo
Limbo 100mb adventure game unik berlatar hitam putih apk+obb offline android/Limbo 100mb unique adventure game set in black and white apk + obb offline android
Cara install :
1.install apk
2.extract file obb
3.hasil extract copy ke folder /internal/android/obb
4.play offline game android
Adventure game yg unik berlatar hitam putih dan banyak teka teki / puzzle dalam stage. nih mimin post juga banyak yg request tentang game ini. size game 100mb apk+obb
/Unique adventure game with black and white background and lots of puzzles / puzzles in stages. here Mimin also has many requests for this game. game size 100mb apk + obb
7. Morphite
8. Horizon chase turbo
Horizon chase 180mb Racing game android offline apk+obbDownload
Cara install
1. install apk
2. extract file zip obb
3. hasil extract copy ke folder internal/android/obb
4. play game android offline
Racing game . ini dulunya game indie pertama ni rilis di android nah yg seri lain horizon chase turbo rilis di ps4
/Racing game. This was the first indie game released on Android, now another series, Horizon Chase Turbo, was released on PS4
9. Layton mystery
Layton: Corious Village in 90mb .apk only android offline visual novel gameDownload
10. Radiation Island
Radiation Island MOD unlocked island apk+obb HD openworld 1.88GB rar(Support Pie-Lolipop)
Download APK
Download OBB
Cara install :
1. Download file diatas
2. Extract file .zip kemudian install .apk
3. Taruh obb di folder sdcard/android/obb/
4. Play offline
5. Enjoy
11. The world end with you
The World End With You RPG 700mb APK+OBB HD Remake NDS game on AndroidDownload
Cara Install :
1. Download file
2. Extract file
3. Install .apk
4. Copy / Taruh data di folder /android/obb/
5. Play offline
12. Crashlands
Crashland Survival Cartoon apk+obb game android offline 150mbDownload
Cerita Game :
Permainan ini menggunakan gaya kartun klasik, spoof Amerika benar-benar cukup indah. Mesin self-propelled, lebih banyak orang asing, monster kulit, semua jenis peran imajinatif sehingga Anda harus mengagumi lubang otak pengembang yang besar. Ini membuat para pemain merasakan kesenangan, kesenangan dari gedung, kesenangan eksplorasi, kesenangan dari pencapaian, serta bermain game ini
/Game Story:
This game uses a classic cartoon style, American spoof is really quite beautiful. Self-propelled engines, more foreigners, skin monsters, all kinds of imaginative roles so you have to admire the huge developer's brain hole. It makes the players feel the fun, the fun of building, the pleasure of exploration, the fun of accomplishing and playing this game
13. Cat quest
14. Lanota
Lanota game Rythm 700mb offline apk+obb android seru game HDDownload
Cerita Game :
Mainkan lagu dan ikuti ritme, jelajahi dan hidupkan kembali dunia. Buka musik berbagai genre, menaklukkan tahap-tahap bos yang dirancang khusus, dan nikmati buku bergambar yang artistik!
/Game Story:
Play songs and follow the rhythm, explore and relive the world. Unlock music of various genres, conquer custom-designed boss stages, and enjoy artistic picture books!
15. Mekorama
16. Deemo
Downlod apk+obb

17. Beach buggy
free game racing apk free klik link Download18. Chameleon run
Download19. Final Fantasy 9
Cara install :
1. extract file bisa dengan zarchive /winrar
2. install apk
3. copy obb ke internal/android/obb/
4. play game android offline
Game baru rilis di android mantap dengan gaya retro bit buat yang pernah main game Harvest Moon wajib coba ini mirip gamenya tambah seru juga ada story baru ala rpg ini game rilis di platform lain / console kaya di Steam-PC, ps4, Nintendo SWITCH... size game 151mb apk+obb
/New games released on Android are great with a bit retro style, for those who have played the Harvest Moon game, you must try this. It's like the game, it's more exciting, there's also a new rpg-style story. This game is released on other platforms / rich consoles on Steam-PC, ps4, Nintendo SWITCH ... . game size 151mb apk + obb
Informasi :
◾Title: Stardew Valley
◾Genre: RPG, Simulation,
◾Gameplay: 2D, Point n klik + virtiual analog
◾Year: 2019
◾Size: 151mb apk+obb
◾Region: Global, English
◾Graphic quality: MHD
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Jelly bean +
◾Rating: 4.6 from 5
◾Playstore : Yes
◾Developer: chucklefish limited
21. Machi Knight
Cara Install :
1. Extract file
2. Install apk
3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract obb ke folder /Internal/android/obb
4. Play offline game android
Rilis di Platform PS4 dan switch tapi belum rilis global di Playstore download bisa cari di web. Merupakan game action RPG shooter dimana karakter utama chibi dan membuat seru dimana terdapat kombo atau kombinasi beserta skill penembak.
/Released on the PS4 Platform and switch but not yet globally released on the Playstore, download it on the web. Is an action RPG shooter game where the main character is chibi and makes fun where there are combos or combinations along with shooter skills.
Info :
◾Title: Machi Knight .
◾Genre: TPS, Action RPG.
◾Gameplay: 2D shooter Virtual analog.
◾Year: 2020
◾Size full: 1.1gb apk+obb
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: HD.
◾Internet: Offline.
◾Multiplayer: -.
◾Gamepad: -.
◾Android: MM+.
◾Rating: 4.6 from 5.
◾Playstore : No.
◾Developer: Cyberfront.
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