House of davinci 2 Puzzle 1.2gb apk+obb point n klik game android offline




Cara Install :

1. Extract file archive

2. Install apk

3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract obb ke folder /Internal/android/obb

4. Play offline game android

Merupakan squel atau lanjutan dengan judul yg sama masih seputar rumah davinci dimana ada teka teki yg harus di pecahkan sangat blirian dan memang epic dari puzzle yang tersembunyi cerita awalnya dari seorang entah siapa dari penjara terus dari story mengubah cerita masa lalu alias time travel.. misi utama menyelesaikan puzzle dari tiap stage makin kesana makin cukup sulit. seperti hiden object, point atau symbol2 tertentu...

/Is a squel or a continuation with the same title still around the davinci house where there are puzzles that must be solved very blirian and indeed epic from hidden puzzles. The story starts from someone who is from prison and then from the story changes the story of the past, aka time travel ... the mission the main thing is to solve the puzzle of each stage getting there the more difficult it is. such as hiding objects, certain points or symbols ...

terdapat story kisah terkait davinci itu sendiri

Info :
◾Title: The house of davinci 2
◾Genre: Puzzle.
◾Gameplay: point n klik 2D+3D.
◾Year: 2020.
◾Size : 1.2gb apk+obb.
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: HD.
◾Internet: Offline.
◾Multiplayer: -.
◾Gamepad: -.
◾Android: Lolipop+.
◾Rating: 4.8 from 5.
◾Playstore : Yes (paid game)
◾Developer: Blue brain games

video gameplay

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