Daftar 10 Game RPG Action 2D Android Offline Terbaik menurut versi @GAMEANDROIDOFFLINE dijamin seru

Pada kesempatan kali ini Mimin buatkan 10 daftar game RPG Action Android yang dijamin mantap dari segi story' action (Hack n Slash) dan feelnya dapet khas game" RPG 2D oke langsung saja berikut daftarnya :

/On this occasion Mimin made a list of 10 Android Action RPG games that are guaranteed to be solid in terms of story 'action (Hack n Slash) and the feel is typical of the game "2D RPG, okay, just follow the list:

1.The Swords of Ditto


OBB Download obb



OBB Download obb

(Diperlukan OS Android Oreo +)
Tested Ratel Cell

Cara install :

1. Install apk yg full offline

2. extract file archive obb

(ambil obb nya saja dalam archive obb dikarenakan apk yg dulu belum full offline yg apk baru terpisah sudah full offline link download diatas disediakan)

3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract obb ke folder /Internal/android/obb

4. Play offline game android

Action game hack n slash RPG rekomendasi size 795mb paid game dan tersedia di Playstore Halfline (awal main harus on dalam stage bisa offline) akhirnya nah versi baru yg mimin post sekarang kabar baiknya sudah (full offline tanpa koneksi internet saat awal main)

/Action game hack n slash RPG recommended size 795mb paid game and available at Playstore Halfline (at the beginning of the game must be on stage can be offline), finally the new version that Mimin post now is the good news (full offline without internet connection at the start of playing)

Sword of ditto masterpiece game Android menurut versi GameAndroidOffline (GAO) masuk nominasi tahun 2019 lalu tema kartun dan backsound ala retro yg khas nilai lebih dan nuansa relax field / texture grafis memanjakan mata petualangan RPG Action genre yg mimin suka feelnya ke game dapet banget lebih dari sekedar Indie game kayanya sudah benar" game andalan sekelas konsol dengan cerita yg komplek didalamnya, sang player selain menyerang jarak dekat (pedang) bisa menyerang jarak jauh juga (panah) membuat permainan tambah seru oleh karena itu mimin rekomendasikan game RPG Action ini

/Sword of ditto masterpiece Android game according to the version of GameAndroidOffline (GAO) was nominated in 2019, then the cartoon theme and retro style backsound which are typical of added value and nuances of relax field / graphic texture spoil the eyes of the adventure RPG Action genre that mimin likes to feel like games really get more than just an indie game like it's true "a flagship console-class game with a complex story in it, the player apart from attacking at close range (sword) can attack at a distance too (arrows) makes the game even more exciting, therefore Mimin recommends this Action RPG game.

2. Strangers Thins 3

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Download apk

Download obb

Cara install :

1. Install apk

2. Extract obb

3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract ke folder /Internal/android/obb

4. Play offline game android

Action team RPG salah satu game baru yang katanya rilis di Platform selain android yakni  Nintendo Switch, PS4 dll dengan element 8bit / Pixel serta openworld juga dapat memilih main quest dan side quest. terdapat 12 karakter yang dapat dimainkan. Menceritakan anak-anak dalam sebuah kelompok berpetualang. pada awal permainan player bisa menggunakan 2 player switch dengan abilty / skill sesuai kemampuan masing" misal rintangan Area dengan batu penghalang player bisa menggunakan karakter lucas 
bisa mengatasinya dengan katapel bomnya. dan Dustin kemampuan hacking dapat membuka peti dan pintu elektronik

/Action team RPG is one of the new games that are said to be released on platforms other than Android, namely Nintendo Switch, PS4, etc. with 8bit / Pixel elements and openworld, you can also choose to play quests and side quests. there are 12 playable characters. Tells the children in an adventure group. At the beginning of the game the player can use 2 player switches with the ability according to their abilities "for example, an area with a barrier stone, player can use Lucas' character.
can handle it with his slingshot bomb. and Dustin's hacking abilities can open electronic chests and doors

3. Oceanhorn

    Download obb

    Download apk


    Download obb

    Download apk

    Cara install
    1. install apk
    2. extract obb
    3. hasil extract copy / taruh di internal/android/obb
    4. play game offline android

    Game rpg action ini rilis dulu sekitar tahun 2016 sebenarnya ada dulu di ios ke mudian baru di Android nah cerita mengalahkan monster lautan , klo dari gameplay mirip zelda dari gua banyak teka teki puzzle dengan size game 220mb apk+obb . Rumor ntar bakalan ada juga squel atau lanjutan Oceanhorn 2 ini kita tunggu saja game ke 2 rilis..

    /This action rpg game was released first around 2016 in fact first on iOS then only on Android, the story of defeating ocean monsters, if the gameplay is like Zelda from cave, there are lots of puzzle puzzles with game size 220MB apk + obb. Rumors will that there will also be a squel or a sequel to Oceanhorn 2, we are just waiting for the second game to be released ..

    4. Djinn Caster

    Download APK

    Download OBB


    Download APK

    Download OBB

    Cara install : 

    1. Install .apk
    2. Buka aplikasi gamenya
    3. tunggu update 600mb buat data
    4. play offline setelah update

    5. Pocket RPG

    Download apk

    Download obb


    Download apk

    Download obb

     Cara install :

    1. Install apk

    2. Extract obb

    3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract ke folder /Internal/android/obb

    4. Play offline game android

    6. Aurum Blade

    Download apk


    Download apk

    Cara install : Cukup install apk only dan main gamenya

    RPG action (hack and slash) game berlatar classic - pixel merupakan game yang sudah lama rilis dan masih tersedia di Playstore misi / story cukup lumayan susah. size game 16mb apk

    /The RPG action (hack and slash) game with a classic - pixel background is a game that has been released for a long time and is still available on the Playstore. The mission / story is quite difficult. 16mb apk game size

    Informasi : .
    ◾Title: Aurum Blade.
    ◾Genre: RPG, ACTION.
    ◾Gameplay: 3D hack and slash.
    ◾Year: 2013
    ◾Size: 16mb apk+obb.
    ◾Region: Global, English
    ◾Graphic quality: mHD
    ◾Internet: Offline
    ◾Multiplayer: -
    ◾Gamepad: -
    ◾Android: Jellybean+
    ◾Rating: 4.3 from 5
    ◾Playstore : Yes (free game).
    ◾Developer: Oddy arts.

    7. Pocket Rogues
    Download APK


    Download APK

    Cara install : Cukup install apk dan mainkan gamenya secara offline tanpa obb data lagi

    RPG 8bit pixel 2D rekomendasi action slash ringan misi dalam Dungeon melawan musuh yang ada.. seperti biasa ada sistem armor / equipment dan skill.. size game 90mb+

    /8bit pixel 2D RPG recommended light slash action missions in dungeons against existing enemies ... as usual there is a system of armor / equipment and skills .. game size is 90mb +

    Mod Money

    8. Adventures of Mana

    Download apk

    Download obb


    Download apk

    Download obb

    Cara install :

    1. Install apk

    2. Extract obb

    3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract ke folder /Internal/android/obb

    4. Play offline game android

    Classic rpg action dari Square enix paid game tersedia di playstore mengingatan judul game Legend of mana ps1 tapi berbeda game dengan devloper yang sama. size apk+obb 371mb 

    Request dari seseorang yang kemarin menanyakan game action RPG Seperti Swords of Ditto sebelumnya pernah di posting juga. Nah pada kesempatan nanti Mimin juga bakalan posting daftar game Action RPG sejenisnya

    /The classic action rpg from Square enix paid game available in the playstore remembers the title of the game Legend of which is ps1 but different games with the same developer. size apk + obb 371mb

    A request from someone who yesterday asked for an action RPG game like Swords of Ditto was previously posted as well. Now on the occasion Mimin will also post a list of similar Action RPG games

    Info :
    ◾Title: Adventures of Mana
    ◾Genre: RPG.
    ◾Gameplay: Action 2D Virtual analog/pad.
    ◾Year: 2016.
    ◾Size full: 371mb apk+obb
    ◾Region: Global.
    ◾Graphic quality: mHD
    ◾Internet: Offline
    ◾Multiplayer: -.
    ◾Gamepad: -.
    ◾Android: Jellybean+.
    ◾Rating: 4.1 from 5.
    ◾Playstore : Yes(Paid game)
    ◾Developer: Square Enix

    9. Dark Raider




    Cara install : cukup install apk dan mainkan gamenya secara offline android

    Merupakan game action dimana player mengalahkan musuh dalam stage dengan menggunakan senjata pedang andalan oh iya cukup sulit juga jika kalian memainkan game ini tanpa mod mimin kasih link diatas sudah mod lebih memudahkan dalam gameplay dan juga ternyata support gamepad bluetooth seperti ipega. action hack and slash terdapat mode counter attack dengan catatan harus tepat size game 127mb apk only tanpa obb data lagi

    /It is an action game where the player defeats the enemy in the stage using a flagship sword weapon, oh yes, it is quite difficult if you play this game without the mod. Mimin gave the link above, the mod makes it easier in gameplay and it also turns out that it supports bluetooth gamepads like ipega. The hack and slash action has a counter attack mode with a note that the game size must be 127MB apk only without any more obb data

    Info :
    ◾Title: Dark Raider .
    ◾Genre: RPG - Action.
    ◾Gameplay: 2D + virtual pad.
    ◾Year: 2020
    ◾Size full: 127mb apk.
    ◾Region: Global.
    ◾Graphic quality: mHD (Pixel)
    ◾Internet: Offline.
    ◾Multiplayer: -.
    ◾Gamepad: Yes
    ◾Android: Jellybean+.
    ◾Rating: 4.7 from 5.
    ◾Playstore : No
    ◾Developer: Trinitigame

    10. Zenonia 5 mod Offline version



    Cara install : Cukup Install apk Dan mainkan gamenya secara offline android tanpa obb atau data lagi

    Merupakan game lanjutan dari Zenonia series sebelumnya dimana awalnya Zenonia 5 itu harus koneksi internet pas awal main kabar baiknya sekarang sudah bisa full offline dimana versi Mod offline kali ini yg Mimin share. Layaknya game RPG disini Player bisa memilih job seperti Knight , Warrior, Assassin dan Mage petualangan RPG Classic yg khas nilai lebih pada game ini dan juga efek dari skill yang bagus so sangat rekomendasi banget buat dimainkan.

    Demikian 10 Daftar game 2D RPG Action Android terbaik versi G-A-O

    /It is a continuation game from the previous Zenonia series where initially the Zenonia 5 had to have an internet connection right at the start of playing the good news now that it is fully offline where the offline Mod version this time is what Mimin shares. Like the RPG games here, players can choose jobs such as Knight, Warrior, Assassin and Mage Classic RPG adventure which has a distinctive added value to this game and also the effects of good skills so it is really a recommendation to play.

    Those are the 10 lists of the best 2D RPG Action games on Android version of G-A-O

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