COD MW3 (Dolphin Android) 4GB FPS Legend game emulator Wii

(4gb size full)

Dolphin emulator mmj Download
Dolphin emulator mmj Download
Dolphin emulator mmj Download

*Catatan bila file game udah berbentuk file .iso .gcm .wbfs, .ciso kalian lewati langkah extract file dan langsung bisa dimainkan

 * Note that if the game file is in the form of an .iso .gcm .wbfs, .ciso file, you skip the extract file step and can immediately play it

Install :

1.Extract semua part game ROM Iso bisa dengan aplikasi "Zarchive" apabila belum punya Zarchive download in Playstore.
/Extract all Iso ROM game parts with the "Zarchive" application if you don't have Zarchive downloaded in Playstore.

(misal contoh beberapa game dolphin archive file .zip / .rar / 7zip)
(for example some dolphin archive file .zip / .rar / 7zip games)

2. Kemudian extract rom iso gamenya yang  mau kita mainkan bisa extract here atau taruh di mana aja kalian biasa nyimpen ROM iso gamenya (bebas)
/ Then extract the ISO ROM game that we want to play can extract it here or put it anywhere you normally save the ISO ROM game (free)

3 . Tunggu proses extract  apabila beres buka dolphin emulator
/ Wait for the extract process if wrong, open the dolphin emulator

4. Lalu apabila belum punya Dolphin emu kalian bisa install dulu seperti dibawah ini link tersedia diatas
/Then if you don't have Dolphin emu you can install it first as below the link is available above

5. Klik install ok

6. Buka Dolphin emulator lalu klik tanda titik 3 di pojok kanana atas pilih REFRESH LIBRARY buat menampilkan game rom iso yang tadi di extract
/Open Dolphin emulator then click the dot 3 in the upper right corner select REFRESH LIBRARY to display the ROM ROM game that was extracted earlier

7. Play game android emulator Dolphin Wii / Gamecube Enjoy

FPS game serial dari Call of Duty Modern warfare 3 selain rilis di Nintendo Wii terbaik dimainkan di PC,. sedikit perbedaan grafis Wii pada emulator Dolphin belum ada efek grafik dan shaders bawaan sebenarnya bisa di modif dengan menambahkan texture maupun shader biar tampilan lebih mendekati versi di PC. sebelumnya mimin posting series Blackops kalo kali ini berseting perang modern sesuai dengan judulnya. Size 4gb Game ROM

/The PS game series from Call of Duty Modern warfare 3 in addition to its release on the Nintendo Wii is best played on PC ,. slight differences in Wii graphics on the Dolphin emulator there are no graphic effects and the default shaders can actually be modified by adding textures and shaders so that the display is closer to the version on the PC. Previously Mimin posted the Blackops series if this time it was a modern war setting according to the title. Size 4gb Game ROM

Play via Dolphin mmj 5 emulator GC/Wii Android

Spec Minimal :
Android Os : Nougat, OpenGL 3 + Vulkan 64 bit
Chipset (Processor + GPU) : Snapdragon 636, 650, 660, 675, 710, 712, 730, 820, 821 dll

Spec Recommended :
Chipset (Processor + GPU) : Snapdragon 835, 845, 855, 865

Gears :
📱Ratel Cell (Snapdragon 835 Android Oreo)
🎮 -
▶ Dolphin emulator MMJ 5.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 adalah permainan Call of Duty kedelapan, dan yang kelima dikembangkan oleh Infinity Ward. Ini adalah sekuel dari Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 dan merupakan angsuran ketiga dalam seri Modern Warfare sampai 2019.
/Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the eighth Call of Duty game, and the fifth one developed by Infinity Ward. It is the sequel to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and is the third installment in the Modern Warfare series through 2019.

Activision mengkonfirmasi judul itu dalam pra-produksi pada tanggal 9 April 2010 dan dirilis pada tanggal 8 November 2011. Sledgehammer permainan, awalnya berencana untuk bekerja pada membatalkan tindakan-petualangan Call of Duty, bekerja dengan Infinity Ward untuk menyelesaikan semua aspek Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Raven Software dibantu dengan antarmuka pengguna dan konten yang dapat didownload, karena mereka memiliki game Call of Duty sebelumnya. Konten yang dapat didownload dirilis sebulan sekali dalam jangka waktu sembilan bulan. Itu gratis untuk pengguna Call of Duty ELITE jika mereka memiliki versi premium layanan. Sledgehammer bertujuan untuk bebas bug panggilan tugas judul dan peringkat di atas 95%.

/Activision confirmed the title in pre-production on April 9, 2010 and released on November 8, 2011. Sledgehammer games, originally planning to work on canceling Call of Duty's action-adventures, worked with Infinity Ward to solve all aspects of Call of Duty: Modern. Warfare 3. Raven Software assisted with user interface and downloadable content, as they had previous Call of Duty games. Downloadable content is released once a month for a nine month period. It's free for Call of Duty ELITE users if they have the premium version of the service. Sledgehammer aims for bug free call-of-duty titles and ratings above 95%.

Video Gameplay

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