Ittle Dew RPG Action Mirip Zelda 91mb mod game android Offline

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Game 2D Action bergaya Retro classic dimana mirip gameplay ala game "Zelda" dengan size kecil cuman 91mb apk only tanpa obb data lagi

/2D Classic Retro action game which is similar to the game style "Zelda" with a small size of only 91MB apk only without obb data anymore

Buat Control awal game dengan gesture alias Point n klik kalian bisa merubah setting di menu dan menampilkan mode Virtual Pad biar lebih mudah dan lebih enak memainkan gamenya

/Create Control beginning of the game with gesture aka Point n click, you can change the settings in the menu and display the Virtual Pad mode so it is easier and more comfortable playing the game..

 Rilis tahun 2013 masih tersedia di Playstore Paid game tentang story' Petualang Ittle Dew dan sahabat karibnya, Tippsie, berawal pada sebuah pulau yang aneh, penuh dengan harta rampasan dan penduduk misterius. Dengan cepat mereka sadar bahwa ini mungkin menjadi petualangan terbesar mereka.

/The 2013 release is still available in the Playstore Paid game about the story of 'Adventurer Ittle Dew and her best friend, Tippsie, starting on a strange island, full of booty and mysterious inhabitants. They quickly realized that this might be their biggest adventure.

 Ittle Dew berlatar petualangan klasik. Dengan teka-teki yang unik, gameplay yang Legend, dan banyak eksplorasi tempat !

/Ittle Dew set in a classic adventure. With unique puzzles, Legendary gameplay, and lots of place exploration!
 Fitur :
* Banyak rahasia dan cara pintas untuk dijelajahi
* Gabungkan alat equipment dengan cara cerdik
* Grafis kartun HD yang indah dengan gaya Classic

/ Feature:
* Lots of secrets and shortcuts to explore
* Combine equipment equipment in an ingenious way
* Beautiful HD cartoon graphics in Classic style

 Info :
◾Title: Ittle Dew
◾Genre: RPG
◾Gameplay: 2D Action Virtual pad + Gesture
◾Year: 2013
◾Size full: 91mb apk only
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: mHD (Cartoon)
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -.
◾Gamepad: -.
◾Android: Jelly Bean+.
◾Rating Playstore: 4.3 from 5.
◾Rating: 9/10.
◾Playstore : Yes (Paid Game)
◾Developer: Ludosity

Video Gameplay

Ending Video

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