Kingdom Hearts Re-Chain 4.1gb (Damonps2 Android) Action Adventure legend Playable SD835 Ratel Cell

Kingdom Hearts Re-Chain game ROM iso

Emulator Damonps2 Pro V2.7 jika belum punya

Install :

1. Download file
2. Extract dan Install Damonps2 APK emulator ps2
3. Extract iso game .7z .zip .rar Zarchive- Winrar
4. Play emu DamonPs2 setting damonps2 BIOS
5. Open play  file rom .iso Game ps2

6. Play offline game android emulator

Diambil dari game asli versi GBA Remake dengan sedikit beberapa perbedaan gameplay disini sudah view 3D soal story' ya sama saja

/Taken from the original version of the GBA Remake game with a few differences in gameplay here, it's already a 3D view of the story 'same

 Combat Action Style
 Dengan suara backsound yang khas teringat saat main versi GBA dulu kalo Mimin sih jaman PS2 tidak terlalu banyak namatin game kebanyakan saat ERA PS1 dulu lalu lanjut ke PC dan di PC main sedikit game hits PS2 dengan Emulator PCSX2

/ With a distinctive backsound sound remember when playing the GBA version first, if Mimin, the PS2 era, there were not too many games, mostly when the ERA PS1 first then went to PC and on PC played a few PS2 game hits with PCSX2 Emulator

Size game Rom ISO 4.1gb

Play via "DamonPS2" emulator android PS2.

Spec Minimal :
Android Os : Nougat, OpenGL 3 + Vulkan 64 bit
Chipset (Processor + GPU) : Snapdragon 636, 650, 660, 675, 710, 712, 730, 820, 821, 835, 845, 855 dll

Gears :
📱Ratel Cell (Snapdragon 835 Android Oreo)
▶Damonps2pro 2.7

Video Gameplay

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