Pascal Wager 1.6gb APK+OBB RPG Action HD sekelas AAA android game Offline


(Halfline saat awal main harus cek lisensi dulu setelahnya bisa Offline)
/ (Halfline when starting to play must check the license first afterwards can be Offline)

Cara Install :

1.  Install apk

2. Extract obb archive file lalu

3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract obb ke folder /Internal/android/obb

4. Play offline game android

Rekomendasi dari @tiar_159 RPG Action Baru rilis di Playstore 24 Juni 2020 yang awalnya sudah lama pertama rilis di ios game konon mirip The Witcher , Dark Souls  itu baik Deri segi skema Action dan Tema. kalo sebelumnya mirip juga Animus sejenis game tersebut. dilihat dari segi grafis HD tergolong game kelas AAA modern jaman now dengan Unreal Engine. Info tambahan ternyata support gamepad juga ini game tambah seru dimainkan dengan gamepad bluetooth atau sejenisnya

Cerita bermula tentang dimulai dari Karakter bernama Terence seorang ksatria yang sekarang menjadi kurir, dimana diceritakan istirnya yang telah lama hilang ia memimpikannya terus ditemani karakter lain yang bernama Viola, Norwood, Benita dalam petualangan di dunia gelap melawan monster Colossus

Catatan : Awal main harus online buat cek lisensi setelahnya bisa offline

/ Recommendations from @ tiar_159 New Action RPG released on Playstore June 24, 2020 which was originally the first release in iOS games supposedly like The Witcher both in terms of the Action and Theme schemes. if previously similar Animus similar game. in terms of HD graphics classified as modern AAA class games now. Additional info turns out to support gamepad as well this added exciting game played with a Bluetooth gamepad or the like

Note: Initial play must be online to check licenses after which can be offline

 ■ Cerita

Pada zaman kuno, bencana alam membawa Matahari dari tempat tinggi di langit ke kedalaman Samudra, yang memungkinkan kabut gelap misterius menyelimuti Dunia.
Bersamaan dengan itu, Colossi, makhluk yang dihormati oleh keturunan, menjelajahi tanah untuk pertama kalinya.
Colossi ini, yang memancarkan percikan cahaya yang membubarkan kabut hitam, membawa satu-satunya harapan bagi umat manusia.
Ribuan tahun kemudian, umat manusia telah lama terbiasa mengikuti jejak makhluk-makhluk yang dihormati ini saat mereka melakukan perjalanan melalui kabut hitam.
Namun, sama seperti bagaimana Matahari secara misterius diturunkan dari Langit, Colossi ini juga mulai jatuh secara misterius ... Terrence, seorang kurir yang diusir oleh Gereja, telah mengetahui bahwa istrinya yang sudah lama terasing, Teresa, mungkin memiliki hubungan dengan kejatuhan Colossi baru-baru ini.
Berangkat pada perjalanan yang penuh dengan kesedihan, penipuan dan kemungkinan penebusan, Terrence berusaha menemukan istrinya dan kebenaran di balik Dunia mereka.

/ ■ Story

In ancient times, natural disasters brought the Sun from a high place in the sky to the depths of the Ocean, which allowed mysterious dark fog to envelop the World.

At the same time, Colossi, a creature honored by heredity, explored the land for the first time.

This Colossi, which emits sparks of light that disperse the black mist, brings the only hope for humanity.

Thousands of years later, humanity has long been accustomed to following in the footsteps of these respected creatures as they travel through the black mist.

However, just like how the Sun mysteriously descended from Heaven, this Colossi also began mysteriously falling ... Terrence, a messenger sent out by the Church, has learned that his long-estranged wife, Teresa, might have a connection with the fall of Colossi recently- just this.

Departing on a journey filled with sadness, deception and possible redemption, Terrence sought to find his wife and the truth behind their World.

Info :
◾Title: Pascals Wager.
◾Genre: RPG Action
◾Gameplay: 3D virtual analog/pad
◾Year: 2020
◾Size full: 1.6gb apk+obb
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: HD
◾Internet: Offline-online
◾Multiplayer: Yes via online
◾Gamepad: Yes
◾Android: Oreo+.
◾Rating Playstore: 4.6 from 5.
◾Rating: 9/10.
◾Playstore : Yes (Paid Game)
◾Developer: Giant Global

Test dengan Gamepad Bluetooth terios x3

Video Gameplay

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