Strange World 126mb RTS Survival Offline Android game Rilis tahun 2020

(Mod Version)

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 Bergenre RTS Gameplay Mirip game" PC lawas dimana karakter view dari sudut pandang atas dan menggerakan dengan Point n klik kalo di PC dulu klik dengan Mouse nah tetapi perbedaan sekarang grafik mantap dimana berlatar Polygon kartun HD

/ Genre RTS Gameplay Similar game "old PC where the character view from the top viewpoint and move with Point n click if on the PC first click with the Mouse well but the difference is now a steady graph where the Polygon cartoon HD background

Dalam game disini maksimal memainkan 4 karakter secara bersamaan melawan musuh dengan keunikan skill yang berbeda" melewati obstacle atau rintangan" dalam stage
Baru rilis di Playstore Mei 2020 dan masih tahap Early Access free game dengan size 126mb apk only

/ In the game here, you can play up to 4 characters simultaneously against enemies with different unique skills "passing through obstacles or obstacles" on stage
Just released in Playstore in May 2020 and still in the Early Access free game with the size of 126mb apk only

Info :
◾Title: Strange World.
◾Genre: RTS, Survival.
◾Gameplay: 2D Point n klik
◾Year: 2020
◾Size full: 126mb apk only
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: HD (Polygon)
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -.
◾Gamepad: -.
◾Android: MM+.
◾Rating Playstore: -
◾Rating: 8/10.
◾Playstore : Yes (Free Game)
◾Developer: Seasun game

Video Gameplay

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