Evoland 60mb RPG 2D Action dan Turnbased mirip Zelda game android offline

Action + Turnbased RPG menurut mimin cukup unik dimana memang sesuai dari judulnya Evoland alias Evolusi / Perubahan dimana saat awal permainan game benar" dari tampilan sederhana monochrome pixel ala retro game bertahap menjadi grafis color alias berwarna lalu kemudian ke HD dan tambahan unsur lain misalnya NPC, Village dll nah sistem battle digunakan juga ada 2 yakni Action Dan Turnbased, cukup benar" ide yg unik ini game

/ Action + Turnbased RPG according to Mimin is quite unique where it is appropriate from the title Evoland alias Evolution / Changes where at the beginning of the game right "from the simple display of retro-style monochrome pixels gradually into color graphics alias color then then to HD and other additional elements such as NPC, Village, etc. Now the battle system is also used there are 2 namely Action and Turnbased, quite true "this unique idea game

Selain series ini Evoland Ada lanjutan Evoland 2 lebih bagus sih tamatin yg series ini dulu baru nanti lanjut ke series terbaru cocok buat kalian yang suka game mirip Zelda atau RPG Classic. Sudah tersedia di Playstore rilis sekitar tahun 2015 paid game dengan size 165mb apk only tanpa Obb data lagi

/ In addition to this series Evoland There is a continuation of Evoland 2, which is better, but this series will then continue to the latest series suitable for you who like games like Zelda or RPG Classic. It was available in Playstore released around 2015 paid game with a size of 165MB apk only without Obb data anymore

 Info :
◾Title: Evoland.
◾Genre: RPG, Action + Turnbased
◾Gameplay: 2D virtual analog/pad
◾Year: 2015
◾Size full: 165mb apk
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: HD
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Jellybean+
◾Rating Playstore: 4.2 from 5
◾Rating: 7/10.
◾Playstore : Yes (Paid game)
◾Developer: Playdigious

(Tested on Ratel Cell SD 835 Android Oreo)

Video Gameplay

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