Game Mirip Zelda Android Offline RPG Seru Kumpulan 12 terbaik

Pada kesempatan ini Mimin rangkum game yang Mirip "Zelda" alias "Legend Of Zelda" classic baik itu dari segi mekanisme Battle, Quest, Puzzle / teka teki, Gameplay dll yang menurut Mimin mirip dan seru rekomendasi buat dimainkan dan teruji coba OFFLINE

/ On this occasion Mimin summarized the game as "Zelda" aka "Legend of Zelda" classic both in terms of the mechanism of Battle, Quest, Puzzle, Gameplay etc. which according to Mimin is similar and exciting recommendations for playing and testing OFFLINE

 List Game :

1. Oceanhorn
2. Swords of Ditto
3. Secret of Mana
4. Juicy Realm
5. Ittle Dew
6. Zenonia 4
7. Evoland 1 & 2
8. Stories of Bethem
9. Adventure of Mana
10. YS Chronicle 1 & 2
11. Anondyne
12. Soul Knight

Kesimpulan menurut Mimin yang paling mantab cobain dulu game Oceanhorn jika belum kalian pernah main benar" game rekomendasi berpetualang mirip Zelda mencari peralatan atau equipment buat melawan musuh bergaya battle Action dan buat melewati rintangan dari stage ke tempat lainnya dan berlayar dilautan dengan map yang cukup luas
Oke langsung saja Mimin bahas full tentang gamenya secara detail dan beserta link downloadnya dibawah ini :

/Conclusion according to Mimin, the best to try Oceanhorn game if you haven't played it right "adventure game like Zelda is looking for equipment or equipment to fight enemy-style battle Action and make it through obstacles from stage to other places and sail on the sea with a fairly large map
Okay, just Mimin fully discuss the game in detail and the download link below:

1. Oceanhorn


Cara install
1. install apk
2. extract obb
3. hasil extract copy / taruh di internal/android/obb
4. play game offline android

Bergenre rpg action game ini rilis dulu sekitar tahun 2016 di Android nah game tentang cerita mengalahkan monster lautan , klo dari gameplay mirip zelda dari gua banyak teka teki puzzle dengan size game 220mb apk+obb

/ Genre rpg action game was first released around 2016 on Android now the game about the story of defeating sea monsters, if from gameplay similar to Zelda from the cave many puzzles with game size 220mb apk + obb

2. Swords of Ditto



(Diperlukan OS Android Oreo +)
Tested Ratel Cell

Cara install :

1. Install apk yg full offline

2. extract file archive obb

(ambil obb nya saja dalam archive obb dikarenakan apk yg dulu belum full offline yg apk baru terpisah sudah full offline link download diatas disediakan)

3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract obb ke folder /Internal/android/obb

4. Play offline game android

Action game hack n slash RPG rekomendasi size 795mb paid game dan tersedia di Playstore  sekarangkabar baiknya sudah (full offline tanpa koneksi internet saat awal main)
Sword of ditto masterpiece game Android menurut versi GameAndroidOffline (GAO) masuk nominasi tahun 2019 lalu tema kartun dan backsound ala retro yg khas nilai lebih dan nuansa relax field / texture grafis memanjakan mata petualangan RPG Action genre yg mimin suka feelnya ke game dapet banget lebih dari sekedar Indie game kayanya sudah benar" game andalan sekelas konsol dengan cerita yg komplek didalamnya, sang player selain menyerang jarak dekat (pedang) bisa menyerang jarak jauh juga (panah) membuat permainan tambah seru oleh karena itu mimin rekomendasikan game RPG Action ini
 / Action game hack n slash RPG recommended size 795mb paid game and available on Playstore now that it's good to have (full offline without an internet connection when you start playing)
Sword of ditto masterpiece Android game according to the GameAndroidOffline (GAO) version was nominated in 2019 and then the retro-style cartoon and backsound theme that has more value and relaxed feel / texture texture spoil the eyes of the RPG Action genre adventure that the mimin likes to feel feel to the game can be more than more just Indie game seems to be correct "mainstay class console game with a complex story in it, the player in addition to attacking melee (sword) can attack long distance as well (arrow) makes the game even more exciting because of that mimin recommends this Action RPG game

3. Secret of Mana
Download APK+OBB
Cara install
1. Extract file
2. Install Apk
3. hasil extract copy / taruh di internal/android/obb
4. play game offline android
Awalnya dirilis di Jepang pada tahun 1993 pada konsol SNES, Secret of Mana dimana dengan sistem pertempuran Action RPG real-time yang inovatif dan dunia yg indah
Salah satu elemen yang paling berkesan dari seri Mana ini adalah sistem menu Ring Command. Dengan sekali tekan tombol, menu berbentuk cincin muncul di layar, di mana pemain dapat menggunakan item, mengganti senjata, dan melakukan berbagai tindakan lain tanpa perlu mengganti layar. Sistem menu Ring Command ini yang mana seri Mana begitu terkenal pertama kali diperkenalkan di Secret of Mana dan sejak itu muncul di sebagian besar game dalam seri.

/ Initially released in Japan in 1993 on the SNES console, Secret of Mana where with an innovative real-time Action RPG battle system and a beautiful world
One of the most memorable elements of the Mana series is the Ring Command menu system. With a single button press, a ring-shaped menu appears on the screen, where players can use items, change weapons, and perform various other actions without the need to change screens. This Ring Command menu system in which the Mana series is so famous was first introduced in Secret of Mana and has since appeared in most games in the series.

4. Juicy Realm
New version Mod Money
Download APK
Download OBB
Old version APK Only
Download Mirror
(Mod money)
Cara install
1. install apk
2. extract obb
3. hasil extract copy / taruh di internal/android/obb
4. play game offline android

Juicy Realm adalah tentang game roguelike di mana pemain harus berhadapan dengan buah-buahan aneh di seluruh dunia. Garis antara hewan dan dunia tumbuhan menjadi kacau, dan rantai makanan telah benar-benar terganggu

/ Juicy Realm is about roguelike games where players have to deal with strange fruits all over the world. The line between animals and the plant world has become chaotic, and the food chain has been seriously disrupted

5. Ittle Dew
(mod money)

Cara install : Cukup Install apk Dan mainkan gamenya secara offline android

Game 2D Action bergaya Retro classic dimana mirip gameplay ala game "Zelda" dengan size kecil cuman 91mb apk only tanpa obb data lagi

Rilis tahun 2013 masih tersedia di Playstore Paid game tentang story' Petualang Ittle Dew dan sahabat karibnya, Tippsie, berawal pada sebuah pulau yang aneh, penuh dengan harta rampasan dan penduduk misterius. Dengan cepat mereka sadar bahwa ini mungkin menjadi petualangan terbesar mereka.

/ 2D Classic Retro action game which is similar to the game style "Zelda" with a small size of only 91MB apk only without obb data anymore
The 2013 release is still available in the Playstore Paid game about the story of 'Adventurer Ittle Dew and her best friend, Tippsie, starting on a strange island, full of booty and mysterious inhabitants. They quickly realized that this might be their biggest adventure. 

6. Zenonia 4


Cara install : Cukup Install apk Dan mainkan gamenya secara offline Android

7. Evoland 1 & 2
Evoland 1
Cara install : Cukup Install apk saja

Evoland 2 

Cara install
1. install apk
2. extract obb
3. hasil extract copy / taruh di internal/android/obb
4. play game offline android

Action + Turnbased RPG menurut mimin cukup unik dimana memang sesuai dari judulnya Evoland alias Evolusi / Perubahan dimana saat awal permainan game benar" dari tampilan sederhana monochrome pixel ala retro game bertahap menjadi grafis color alias berwarna lalu kemudian ke HD dan tambahan unsur lain misalnya NPC, Village dll nah sistem battle digunakan juga ada 2 yakni Action Dan Turnbased, cukup benar" ide yg unik ini game

/ Action + Turnbased RPG according to Mimin is quite unique where it is appropriate from the title Evoland alias Evolution / Changes where at the beginning of the game right "from the simple display of retro-style monochrome pixels gradually into color graphics alias color then then to HD and other additional elements such as NPC, Village, etc. Now the battle system is also used there are 2 namely Action and Turnbased, quite true "this unique idea game

8. Stories of Bethem

Install : APK only install ok Play game android Offline enjoy

Action RPG 2D classic pixel Salah satu game mirip Zelda dengan element puzzle free game tersedia di Playstore dengan size total 119mb apk only

/Classic pixel 2D RPG Action One game similar to Zelda with free puzzle game elements available on Playstore with a total size of 119MB apk only

Mengisahkan legenda Khoma, seorang pahlawan muda yang terlibat dalam petualangan panjang untuk mendapatkan Objek Oneiric di Bethem sementara ia menjadi penyihir berpetualang dalam dunia yang luas dan dungeon nilai plus game ini sudah support gamepad tambah lebih seru dimainkan dengan gamepad bluetooth tanpa app pihak ketiga lagi Atau tanpa aplikasi Octopus

 /Tells the legend of Khoma, a young hero who is involved in a long adventure to get the Oneiric Object in Bethem while he is an adventure wizard in a wide world and the dungeon plus the value of this game has added gamepad support more exciting to play with Bluetooth gamepad without any third-party app again or without Octopus application

9. Adventure of Mana


Cara install :

1. Install apk

2. Extract obb

3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract ke folder /Internal/android/obb

4. Play offline game android

Classic rpg action dari Square enix paid game tersedia di playstore mengingatan judul game Legend of mana ps1 tapi berbeda game dengan devloper yang sama. size apk+obb 371mb 

/ Classic rpg action from Square Enix paid game available in PlayStore remembers the title of the Legend game where the PS1 is but different games with the same devoper. apk + obb size 371mb

10. YS Chronicle 1 & 2
Ys Chronicle 1

Ys Chronicle 2
Download APK

Cara install :

1. Install apk

2. Extract obb

3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract ke folder /Internal/android/obb

4. Play offline game android

11. Anondyne


Cara install : Cukup install apk saja

12. Soul Knight


Cara install : Cukup install apk only

Sebuah permainan di mana Anda akan terjun ke dunia yang indah yang membutuhkan bantuan Anda. Setelah semua, kekuatan jahat telah mencuri keseimbangan dan sekarang Anda harus memilih karakter Anda dan pergi ke pertempuran, untuk menghancurkan semua kejahatan dan tanah Anda dan membawa semuanya kembali normal. Sekarang banyak bergantung pada Anda. Anda juga akan dapat meningkatkan karakter Anda dengan bantuan senjata yang lebih kuat

Tambahkan di Kolom komentar jika kalian pernah memainkan game yang mirip Zelda juga di Android

/ A game where you will dive into a beautiful world that needs your help. After all, the evil forces have stolen balance and now you have to choose your character and go to battle, to destroy all your evil and land and bring everything back to normal. Now much depends on you. You will also be able to improve your character with the help of more powerful weapons

Add it in the comments column if you've ever played a game similar to Zelda on Android

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