Iesabel RPG Action Android Offline Mirip Diablo PC old games

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Cara Install :

1.  Install apk

2. Extract obb archive file lalu

3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract obb ke folder /Internal/android/obb

4. Play offline game android

 Terdapat 2 job utama Barbarian dan witch yang bisa dipilih player story tentang ratu kerajaan dilanda musibah monster yang menyerang kerajaan tersebut tugas player menyelamatkan kerajaan dari serangan monster dalang dari segala kekacauan dunia ini

/ There are 2 main Barbarian and witch jobs that can be chosen player story about the queen of the kingdom hit by the monster disaster that attacks the kingdom player's duty to save the kingdom from the mastermind's attack from all the chaos of this world

Info :
◾Title: Iesabel.
◾Genre: RPG Action
◾Gameplay: 2D virtual analog/pad
◾Year: 2017
◾Size full: 1gb apk+obb
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: mHD
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: ICS - MM
◾Rating Playstore: -
◾Rating: 7/10.
◾Playstore : No
◾Developer: Forever Entertainment

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