Joyland game baru rilis 2020 Horror Puzzle first person game android offline


Game baru rilis 20 Maret 2020 dan masih tahap akses awal tersedia di Playstore bergenre Horror, Puzzle merupakan Petualangan 3D mode orang pertama yang terjadi di acara TV survival. Selesaikan pencarian saat dalam keadaan horor dan selesaikan teka-teki yang sulit, dibalut dalam grafis yang memikat dan musik yang unik
Size 145mb APK+Obb

/ The new game was released March 20, 2020 and is still the initial access stage available in the Horror genre Playstore, Puzzle is a first-person 3D adventure mode that occurs on a survival TV show. Complete the search when in a state of horror and solve difficult puzzles, wrapped in attractive graphics and unique music

 Info :
◾Title: Joyland.
◾Genre: Horror, Puzzle
◾Gameplay: 3D, First person +virtual analog
◾Year: 2020
◾Size full: 145mb apk+obb
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: HD (Polygon)
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: -.
◾Android: Lolipop+.
◾Rating: 7/10.
◾Playstore : Yes (Free Game)
◾Developer: 1horizon

Video Gameplay

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