Soul Knight 107mb action 2D pixel shooter game android offline MOD UNLIMITED GEM


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Action + Shooter game dimana berbasis dungeon dan misi hanya mengalahkan musuh setiap LV dungeon menurut mimin sendiri tanpa mod ini game sulit tamat dikarenakan musuh yang over power sangat pada LV lanjutan. yang membuat ini game cukup bagus juga diantaranya banyak pilihan karakter sesuai job atau profesinya misal penyihir, warrior, mekanik/robot, vampire dll dengan berbeda tiap job skill masing". Dari senjata pilihan juga cukup banyak dari senjata pedang, pistol, geranat bahkan laser dan senjata unik lainnya dan ada sistem mount atau sejenis tunggangan seperti robot dll fitur lain adanya multiplayer bisa main bareng alias Mabar.

Size game 107mb apk only free tersedia di Playstore

Action + Shooter game which is based on dungeons and missions only defeat enemies every LV dungeon according to Mimin's own without this mod. The game is difficult to end due to enemies who are over power very much on advanced LV. which makes this game quite good also including a large selection of characters according to the job or profession for example witches, warriors, mechanics / robots, vampires, etc. with different each job skill respectively. other unique weapons and there is a mount system or a kind of mounts such as robots etc. other features of multiplayer can play together aka Mabar.

Game size 107mb apk only free available on Playstore

Info :
◾Title: Soul Knight
◾Genre: Action.
◾Gameplay: 2D virtual analog/pad
◾Year: 2017
◾Size full: 107mb apk only
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: mHD (Pixel)
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: Yes
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: JB+
◾Rating Playstore: 4.6 from 5
◾Rating: 7/10.
◾Playstore : Yes (Free game)
◾Developer: ChillyRoom

Video Gameplay

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