Teslagard 286mb Platformer Puzzle Adventure 2D game Android Offline

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Platformer 2D Puzzle sejenis game limbo tetapi sudah full color dimana karakter utama seorang anak kecil. Cukup dramatis kisah yang diceritakan dalam game. Sudah tersedia di Playstore paid game dengan size 286mb apk+obb selain rilis di Playstore rilis juga di PS4

/ 2D Puzzle platformer is a kind of limbo game but it is full color where the main character of a child. Quite dramatic story told in the game. Already available on Playstore paid games with size 286mb apk + obb in addition to the release on Playstore release also on PS4

Gameini cukup keren menurut mimin dan unik dengan adanya unsur ancient teknologi
Dengan elemen action dimana unsur magnetisme dan kekuatan elektromagnetik lainnya adalah kunci untuk sepanjang permainan, dan dengan demikian menemukan rahasia yang tersimpan di Tesla Tower yang telah lama ditinggalkan. Memulai petualangan sebagai anak muda yang dipersenjatai dengan teknologi Teslamancer kuno. Tempel jalan Anda melalui Tesla Tower dan atasi berbagai tantangan dan teka-teki besar

/ Game is pretty cool according to Mimin and is unique with the ancient elements of technology
With an action element where the elements of magnetism and other electromagnetic forces are key for the whole game, and thus discover the secrets stored in the Tesla Tower that has long been abandoned. Embarked on an adventure as a young child armed with ancient Teslamancer technology. Stick your way through the Tesla Tower and overcome great challenges and puzzles

Info :
◾Title: Teslagrad.
◾Genre: Platformer, Puzzle
◾Gameplay: 2D virtual analog/pad
◾Year: 2018
◾Size full: 286mb apk+obb
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: HD
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Jellybean+
◾Rating Playstore: 3.9 from 5
◾Rating: 8/10.
◾Playstore : Yes (Paid game)
◾Developer: Playdigious

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