Corpse Party: Blood Drive 700mb visual Novel game Android Offline

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1. Extract archive file game Zarchive / Winrar

2. Install apk

3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract obb ke folder /Internal/android/obb/

4. Play offline game android enjoy 

 Kali ini bahas game visual Novel horror offline genre yang jarang Mimin expose,. Game yang awalnya sukses di konsol PSP pada series Corpse Party: Shadow Book sebelumnya atau prequel nah pada versi ini grafik memang bagus sudah 3D ada peningkatan dan tentunya rilis di next gen psp yaitu Psvita dan Platform Android juga dengan judul yang sama Corpse Party: Blood Drive

Menceritakan tentang anak sekolahan berawal dari "book of shadows" malapetaka saat Ayumi membuka buku itu kemudian dikabarkan siswa satu persatu hilang terjadilah kasus mengerikan. Karena merasa bersalah dia ingin membukanya lagi beranggapan bisa mengembalikan semua kejadian seperti semula. sedikit Mimin bahas alur ceritanya

/This time discussing the visual novel horror game genre offline that Mimin rarely exposes. Games that were initially successful on the PSP console in the previous Corpse Party: Shadow Book series or prequel, now in this version the graphics are indeed good, 3D has an increase and of course, is released in the next gen PSP, namely Psvita and the Android Platform also with the same title Corpse Party: Blood Drive

Tells about school children starting from the "book of shadows", a disaster when Ayumi opens the book and it is reported that one by one the students are missing, there is a terrible case. Feeling guilty, he wanted to open it again thinking he could return everything to the way it was. little Mimin discusses the story line

 Size game 720mb apk+obb

Info :
◾Title: Corpse Party: Blood Drive .
◾Genre: Visual Novel, Horror
◾Gameplay: 2D virtual pad/analog
◾Year: 2017
◾Size full: 720mb apk+obb
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: HD
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Jellybean+
◾Rating Playstore: 4.5 from 5
◾Rating: 8/10.
◾Playstore : Yes (Paid game)
◾Developer: 株式会社MAGES

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