The Last Remnant 6gb APK+OBB RPG TURNBASED HD Game Android Offline


Install :

1. Extract file

2. lalu Install apk

3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract file obb ke folder /Internal/android/obb

4. Play offline game android

[Minimum Requirements]
Android 7.0 or higher
Internal Memory (RAM):2GB or more
SoC: Snapdragon 810 or higher
  Snapdragon 670 or higher

Turnbased RPG game yg cukup sudah lama rilis di Android berawal di PC atau Platform lain dari Developer SquareEnix kategori game besar dengan Size full 6gb apk+obb

Cerita dimana Ada dunia yang dijalin bersama oleh empat ras: Mitra, Yama, Qsiti, dan Sovani.
Di dunia tersebut, benda misterius yang disebut "Remnants" telah ada sejak zaman kuno. Bahkan semua orang tidak ada yang mengetahui asal mula diciptakan Dan untuk alasan apa. Misi utama memecahkan misteri tersebut
Namun, kekuatan besar "Remnants" secara bertahap menyebabkan dunia menjadi tidak seimbang. Ketika malapetaka dari mereka yang memerintah dan mereka yang mengikuti, sebuah perang meletus - awal dari perselisihan yang panjang dan tak berujung.
Lalu Seribu tahun kemudian, cerita dimulai.

/Turnbased RPG game which has been released for a long time on Android starting on PC or other platforms from the SquareEnix Developer category large game with full Size 6gb apk + obb

The story where there is a world woven together by four races: Mitra, Yama, Qsiti, and Sovani.
In that world, mysterious objects called "Remnants" have existed since ancient times. In fact, no one knows the origin of being created And for what reason. The main mission is solving the mystery
However, the immense power of the “Remnants” gradually caused the world to become unbalanced. When the calamity of those who rule and those who follow, a war breaks out - the beginning of a long and endless strife.

Then a thousand years later, the story begins.

Info :
◾Title: The Last Remnant
◾Genre: RPG
◾Gameplay: 3D Turnbased virtual pad/analog.
◾Year: 2019
◾Size full: 6gb APK+Obb
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: HD
◾Internet: Offline
◾Multiplayer: -
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Marshmallow+
◾Rating Playstore: 4.3 from 5
◾Rating: 8/10.
◾Playstore : Yes (Paid game)
◾Developer: SquareEnix

 Pertarungan mode Turnbased

Video Gameplay

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