Family guy Action Adventure (psp/ppsspp Android)


Emulator ppsspp Download

Install :

1. Download game rom

2. Extract file if format file .zip .7z .rar

3. Buka emulator PPSSPP apabila belum punya bisa Download diatas dan install ppsspp dulu
/Open the PPSSPP emulator if you don't have it, you can download above and install ppsspp first

4. Lalu cari buka game rom yg sudah di extract tadi di Emu psp alias PPSSPP
/Then look for open the game ROM that was extracted earlier in Emu PSP aka PPSSPP

5. Play game enjoy 
Family Guy adalah gim video aksi-petualangan berdasarkan serial televisi animasi Fox dengan nama yang sama, dikembangkan oleh High Voltage Software dan diterbitkan oleh 2K Games, dirilis pada tahun 2006 untuk PlayStation 2, Xbox, dan PlayStation Portable. 

Kalo menurut Mimin sendiri Family guy Mirip" game The Simpsons sama" kartun yang terkenal di Amerika 
pada game ini karakter berperan sebagai anak kecil atau bocil, dan ada 3 karakter Playable lainnya diantaranya Peter, Stewie Dan Brian yang mempunyai ability kemampuan unik masing-masing dalam series ini ada 22 stage yang bisa dimainkan 

Plot cerita Stewie telah membangun sinar pengendali pikiran, dan berencana untuk menggunakannya bersama dengan parabola Peter. Namun, rencananya diganggu oleh saudara tirinya Bertram, yang mengaku menginginkan parabola miliknya. Setelah berjalan ke atap, Stewie memutuskan bahwa dia lebih suka gagal dalam mendominasi dunia daripada membiarkan satelit jatuh ke tangan saudara tirinya, dan menghancurkan sendiri parabola satelit. Namun, Bertram mengungkapkan bahwa dia datang untuk menipunya untuk menghancurkan satelitnya sendiri, dan dia juga telah memulai rencana untuk menguasai dunia.

/Family Guy is an action-adventure video game based on the Fox animated television series of the same name, developed by High Voltage Software and published by 2K Games, released in 2006 for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and PlayStation Portable.

If according to Mimin himself, the family guy looks like "The Simpsons same game" the famous cartoon in America
In this game the characters play the role of a child or a child, and there are 3 other playable characters including Peter, Stewie and Brian who have their own unique abilities in this series, there are 22 stages that can be played.

Stewie's plot has built up a mind-controlling beam, and plans to use it in conjunction with Peter's satellite dish. However, his plans are interrupted by his half-brother Bertram, who claims he wants his satellite dish. After walking up to the roof, Stewie decided that he would rather fail in world domination than to let the satellite fall into the hands of his half brother, and destroy the satellite dish himself. However, Bertram reveals that he came to trick him into destroying his own satellite, and he too has embarked on a plan to rule the world.

Size iso rom game 1gb
Play via PPSSPP emulator PSP Android

Gears :
📱Ratel Cell (Snapdragon 835 Android Oreo)
🎮 -
▶ PPSSPP 1.8.0

Video Gameplay

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