Kumpulan Rockstar Games Android Semua Bisa Dimainkan Offline APK


Tenyata memang semua besutan game Android dari developer Rockstar Games hadir dengan Mode Offline 

Difokuskan kepada gameplay dan story' yang bagus ya jelas memang game premium atau typical Paid game. Sekelas konsol

Semua gamenya dari dulu sampai sekarang masih tersedia di Playstore, Mimin harap merilis lagi game" baru lainnya di Android

/It turns out that everything made by Android games from the developer Rockstar Games comes with Offline Mode

Focused on good gameplay and story, yes, it is clear that it is a premium game or a typical paid game. Console class

All the games from the past until now are still available on the Playstore, Mimin hopes to release another new game "on Android

Full List Games:

1. GTA San Andreas

GTA SA new version  V2 support OS Naugat Oreo, Pie keatas+
Download APK MOD Cleo

Download APK

Download OBB


Download APK MOD Cleo

Download APK

Download OBB


GTA SA versi old jadul OS lolipop mm kitkat JB

Mod Download apk

Obb Download obb

Cara install :

1. Install apk pilih yg MOD Cleo / Original

2. Extract obb

3. Copy ato Taruh hasil extract ke folder /Internal/android/obb

4. Play offline game android

Catatan Cleo apk mod ; 
  1. kalian geser dan tarik dari atas sampai bawah dengan cepat pada layar Smartphone yang kalian gunakan saat in game
  2. Agar bisa memilih cheat yang di inginkan kalian hanya cukup dengan menekan layar bagian atas, kiri, kanan, dan bawah
  3. Jika sudah memilih cheat lalu kalian tinggal tekan layar bagian tengah smartphone

Catatan Buat MOD uang : Pas mulai, pilih resume jangan new game mainkan game dalam keadaan mod money.

/Cleo note apk mod;
You slide and drag from top to bottom quickly on the Smartphone screen that you use while in the game
In order to be able to choose the cheat you want, you only need to press the top, left, right, and bottom screen
If you have chosen a cheat then you just have to press the screen in the middle of the smartphone

Notes for MOD money: When you start, select resume, don't play the game in a mod money state

Game yang ditunggu" upate nih kali ini datang dengan update pada versi jalan HANYA DI OS ANDROID NOUGAT-OREO keatas jadi buat OS dibawah nya download versi yang lain selain ini bisa cari di BLOG ini nah buat HP" masa kini dengan OS terbaru Android bisa jalan dengan smooth alias lancar dan stabil pada versi 2.0 ini jalan cerita tetap sama kalo soal grafik yang sama juga mungkin ada peningkatan sedikit lebih stabil... test di Xperia X perfomance oreo punya mimin Lancar. denga size game hampir 2gb full versi ini udah MOD money atau uang dengan resume misi pada pas mulai awal main GTA SA ini... dan akhirnya nemu apk mod cleo yg jalan buat OS PIE Android keatas cheat lebih mudah

/The game awaited "update, this time it comes with an update on the road version ONLY ON ANDROID OS NOUGAT-OREO and above so for the OS below, download another version besides this, you can search this BLOG now for HP" nowadays with the latest Android OS can work with smooth and stable alias smooth and stable in version 2.0, the storyline remains the same if the same graphics questions may also have a slightly more stable increase ... the test on the Xperia X oreo's performance has Mimin Smooth. With a game size of almost 2GB full version, MOD money or money with a mission resume at the start of playing GTA SA ... and finally finding the cleo mod apk that works for Android PIE OS and above cheats is easier

2. GTA Vice City 

Grand Theft Auto : Vice City (GTA) TPS Action Openworld 900mb apk+obb HD 

Download APK

Download OBB

mirror Single Link


Download APK

Script Cleo

 Cara install :

1. Install apk

2. Extract obb

3. Taruh obb /Internal/android/obb

4. Play offline game android

Cerita Game :

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - game komputer terkenal sekarang dirilis dan android di mana semua orang bermain! Berkat studio Rockstar, game ini muncul di perangkat android Anda. Selamat datang di tahun 80-an.
Dunia bebas besar di mana Anda bebas melakukan apa pun yang Anda inginkan, Anda bisa berkeliling kota mengagumi pemandangan yang indah, atau Anda dapat pergi melalui misi.
Untuk menghormati dekade game, Rockstar merilis game GTA Vice City gratis untuk Android dengan dukungan resolusi HD

/Game Story:

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - the famous computer game now released and on android where everyone plays! Thanks to the Rockstar studio this game appears on your android device. Welcome to the 80s.
A huge free world where you are free to do whatever you want, you can go around the city admiring the beautiful scenery, or you can go through missions.
In honor of the decades of gaming, Rockstar released the free GTA Vice City game for Android with HD resolution support

3. GTA Liberty City





Cara install :

1. Extract File

2. Install apk

3. Taruh obb /Internal/android/obb

4. Play offline game android

Cerita Game :

GTA: Liberty City Stories Game aksi petualangan, plot lucu, gim kaya, dan dunia kebebasan besar untuk dijelajahi. Perang utama dalam permainan, Anda dapat memilih  misi atau tidak ,ada atribut, ada keterampilan. Tony dapat menyelamatkan ambulans dalam permainan, polisi, dan sopir taksi Dalam permainan, pemain akan mendapatkan kendaraan, sepeda motor, pesawat terbang dan kapal dan kendaraan lainnya. Operator tanpa klasifikasi, tanpa penguatan. Kendaraan itu sendiri memiliki daya tahan, volume tabrakan, dan memiliki kapasitas penumpang yang sesuai. Ketika karakter pemain di kendaraan, semua serangan akan ditanggung oleh kendaraan.Antarmuka kontrol permainan memiliki dua antarmuka umum dan antarmuka mengemudi,  

/Game Story:

GTA: Liberty City Stories An action adventure game, funny plot, rich gameplay and a huge world of freedom to explore. The main war in the game, you can choose a mission or not, there are attributes, there are skills. Tony can save the ambulance in the game, police and taxi drivers In the game, players will get vehicles, motorbikes, airplanes and ships and other vehicles. Operators without classification, without reinforcement. The vehicle itself has endurance, collision volume, and has the appropriate passenger capacity. When the player character is in the vehicle, all attacks will be covered by the vehicle. The game control interface has two common interfaces and a driving interface,

4. GTA 3

Download APK

Download OBB

Cerita :  awal game GTA3 dalam  van  dan duatahanan merampok dengan peluru kecil - termasuk Anda, melarikan diri dalam kekacauan - memulai perjalanan melalui kota ...Seperti kebanyakan game aksi, Grand Theft Auto 3GTA3 juga terdiri dari banyak tugas-tugas kecil, tidak semua tugas adalah kejahatan yang mencolok, meskipun sebagian besar poinnya tidak sah, dari membantu bos memulihkan kekacuan untuk membersihkan penjual narkoba yang berlawanan, Ini sangat bertentangan dengan garis utama permainan, protagonis selalu menjadi pengganggu kecil, perlu untuk melakukan bully kecil yang harus dilakukan. 

/Game Story: At the start of the GTA3 game, a prisoner van is robbed and two small bullets - including you, escaping in chaos - start a journey through the city ...Like most action games, Grand Theft Auto 3GTA3 also consists of a lot of small tasks, not all tasks are flashy crimes, although most of the points are illegitimate, from helping the boss recover the mess to cleaning up the opposing drug dealer, This is very much against the lines the main game, the protagonist is always a little bully, it is necessary to do a little bully to do.

5. GTA China Town

GTA Chinatown OFFLINE ACTION 400mb APK+OBB HD openworld game android offline

Download APK

Download OBB

Cara install :

1. Extract File

2. Install apk

3. Taruh obb /Internal/android/obb

4. Play offline game android

6. Bully

Download APK

Download OBB

Cara install :

1. Download file diatas

2. Extract file .zip kemudian install .apk

3. Taruh obb di folder internal/android/obb/

4. Play offline

5. Enjoy

7. Max Payne

Max Payne 1gb android offline game TPS Openworld mod HD apk+obb

Versi Lite 400mb


Full size version 1gb


Cara Install :

1. Download apk+obb
2. Install .apk
3. Extract obb copy ato taruh obb ke /android/obb
4. Play game offline

Cerita Game :

adalah game buatan Rockstar Games yang sangat keren karena kualitas grafik yang mantap, jalan cerita yang memuaskan, dan misi yang menarik. Max Payne ini juga tersedia di PC dan juga Playstation. Max sebenarnya adalah polisi yang menyamar menjadi orang biasa, tetapi ada masalah yang menimpanya sehingga dia menjadi buronan para polis

/Game Story:

is a game made by Rockstar Games which is very cool because of the steady quality graphics, satisfying storylines, and interesting missions. Max Payne is also available on PC and Playstation as well. Max is actually a policeman who disguises himself as an ordinary person, but there is a problem that makes him a fugitive by the police

More info 🌐
www.gameandroidoff.blogspot. com

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