Didi new horror game 2021 Android with Unreal Engine


(Full version)

Mimin share game baru lagi bergenre Horror Grafis bagus dengan size 500mb+ 

Ngga cuman grafis aja yang bagus justru unsur Puzzle nya yang bikin nilai plus , dikarenakan penyelesaian puzzle seperti ala game PC ngga harus melulu misal mencari sebuah benda / kunci tetapi dengan interaksi benda sesuai petunjuk dari Note / Catatan yang ditemukan.

Bagi yang belum tau Developer yang mengembangkan game ini adalah "Ashim Shakaya" yang sebelumnya pernah rilis game Horror Yang cukup bagus juga yang berjudul "Urban Legends Survival" Rekomendasi buat dimainkan

/Mimin shares a new game with the Horror genre. Good graphics with a size of 500MB +

Not only good graphics, it is the puzzle element that makes a plus, because solving puzzles like PC games does not have to be, for example, looking for an object / key but with the interaction of objects according to the instructions from the found notes.

For those who don't know the developer who developed this game is "Ashim Shakaya", which previously released a pretty good Horror game, also entitled "Urban Legends Survival". Recommendations for playing

Link Store:

Info :
◾Title: Didi
◾Genre: Horror
◾Gameplay: First Person + Virtual analog/pad
◾Year: 2021
◾Size full: 500mb+
◾Region: Global.
◾Graphic quality: HD
◾Internet: Offline
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Lolipop+
◾Rating Playstore: - (Akses Awal)
◾Rating: 8/10.
◾Playstore : Yes 
◾Developer: Ashim Shakaya

Video Gameplay

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