Heist the score game Lawas FPS Shooter Android Offline



 yang Game
Lawas sudah tidak ada di Playstore mengingat game hanya support untuk architecture basis Armv7 kebawah hanya untuk HP Android Lawas atau jadul

Ini gameplay FPS statis hanya mengikuti alur dalam cerita game hanya menembak aim saja lebih ke Shooter nya saja,, untuk pergerakan player sudah di tentukan dalam game. Salutnya game jaman dulu voice actor dubing dibuat sebaik mungkin , overall game ini bagus cukup mekanisme yang realistis dari segi aim/recoil serta di sisipkan beberapa jokes yang bikin ngakak :v
Dengan story' yang Bagus

/the Game
Old is no longer in the Playstore considering that the game only supports architecture based on Armv7 and below, only for old or old Android phones.

This static FPS gameplay only follows the plot in the game story, only shooting aim is more at the Shooter, for player movement it has been determined in the game. Salutation, the old game voice actor dub was made as good as possible, overall this game is good, quite a realistic mechanism in terms of aim / recoil and insert some jokes that make you laugh: v
With a good story

Info :
◾Title: Heist the score
◾Genre: FPS, Shooter
◾Gameplay: 3D Statis + virtual analog /pad
◾Year: 2012
◾Size full: 60mb+
◾Region: Global
◾Graphic quality : HD
◾Internet: Offline
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: Froyo+
◾Rating Playstore : -
◾Rating: 7/10
◾Playstore : No
◾Developer: N3V Games

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