Point n click Adventure unsur Puzzle game ini lumayan seru dengan size game yang cukup besar 500mb lebih apk+obb
Disuguhkan dengan visual yang indah gaya lukisan canvas game indie Ini, menceritakan tentang makhluk sebuah entitas yang berpetualang meski begitu ada sebagian memandang sebelah mata bercerita tentang exsistensinya yang berbentuk dari bahan seperti kertas. Selain grafis yang memulai dari sisi audio juga mantap disarankan memakai headset lebih berasa dalam setiap pergerakan efek sound dan musik background nya.
Sayang gamenya tidak ada di playstore terbatas Region ,seperti biasa kalian bisa cek Google atau blog Mimin buat Download
/Point n click Adventure Puzzle element of this game is quite exciting with a game size that is large enough to 500MB + apk + obb
Presented with beautiful visuals, the indie game's canvas painting style, tells the story of an entity that has an adventure, even though there are some who look at one eye, telling about its existence in the form of a material such as paper. In addition to the graphics that start from the audio side, it is also advisable to use a headset to feel more in every movement of the sound effects and background music.
Unfortunately the game is not in the Region-limited playstore, as usual you can check Google or the Mimin blog for Download
Info :
◾Title: The Wanderer Frankenstein creature
◾Genre: Adventure, puzzle
◾Gameplay: 2D point n click
◾Year: 2019
◾Size full: 500mb+
◾Region: Limited
◾Graphic quality: HD
◾Internet: Offline
◾Gamepad: -
◾Android: JB+
◾Rating: 8/10
◾Playstore : No
◾Developer: La Belle Games,
Video Gameplay
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