Ice cream 4 Rods factory new game Android Offline in 2021 HORROR APK Mod

(Mod version)

Game baru lagi yang rilis tahun 2021 sekarang Ice Cream 4 merupakan game Horror Lumayan seram ada beberapa Jumpscare, game cukup populer nih dg seri terbarunya, diseri sebelum nya banyak yt gaming yg mainin..
Merupakan game horror survival mirip granny, game ice cream 4, buat yg udh main seri sebelumnya pasti tau story & tujuan
game ini.
Yg berbeda di seri ke 4 ini adalah Musuh baru , Hadapi pembantu baru Rod, yg dikenal Mini Rods. Penjaga pabrik yang akan mencoba menghentikan Anda melarikan diri dan akan memberi tahu Rod jika mereka melihat Anda. Gameplay jadi makin susah, harus penuh taktik biar ngk tertangkap.
Disini gw share versi mod nya, kalo versi mod dirasa bikin game ngk menantang dan jadi mudah, bisa main yg versi original.
Size game 122mb tersedia di Playstore

/Another new game released in 2021, now Ice Cream 4 is a horror game. It's quite scary, there are some Jumpscare, the game is quite popular with the newest series, before many games were played ..
Is a horror survival game like Granny, ice cream game 4, for those who have played the previous series, they will know the story and goals
this game.
What is different in this 4th series is a new enemy, Face the new assistant Rod, known as Mini Rods. Factory guards who will try to stop you from escaping and will let Rod know if they see you. Gameplay is getting more difficult, you have to be full of tactics so you don't get caught.
Here I share the mod version, if the mod version makes the game less challenging and easy, you can play the original version.
122mb game size available on Playstore

Video Gameplay

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