Ankylosaurus simulator game Android Offline new in 2021


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Mimin review game offline, size kecil , tapi grafis nya bagus banget, lingkungan alamnya indah, detailnya yang cukup bagus.
Merupakan game simulasi dinosaurus yg bisa dibilang open world (karna map nya cukup luas), tidak hanya cuma Explore aja digame ini tersedia beberapa quest atau story yang bisa di lakukan seperti memburu dinosaurus lain untuk bertahan hidup, mencari telur, dan masih banyak lagi. Di game ini player akan menjadi dinosaurus jenis ankylosaurus (baru tau jg nama dinosaurus itu) dan saat melakukan quest hunting dinosaurus lain menjadi pelajaran baru bahwa mengenal tau nama" dinosaurus ,mungkin ini definisi belajar sambil bermain :v
Dan digame ini player bisa custom warna dinosaurus, dan ankylosaurus ini ternyata punya skill menurunkan hujan es untuk mengalahkan mangsa nya (salah satu hal yang unik), uniknya lagi player juga bisa buat rumah nya juga dari pepohonan dan batu..

/Mimin reviews offline games, small size, but the graphics are really good, the natural environment is beautiful, the details are pretty good.
This is a dinosaur simulation game that can be said to be open world (because the map is quite wide), not only exploring in this game, there are several quests or stories that you can do, such as hunting other dinosaurs to survive, looking for eggs, and much more. In this game the player will become an ankylosaurus type dinosaur (just know the name of the dinosaur) and when doing other dinosaur hunting quests it becomes a new lesson that knowing the name of a dinosaur, maybe this is the definition of learning while playing :v
And in this game the player can customize the color of the dinosaurs, and this ankylosaurus apparently has the skill of bringing down hail to defeat its prey (one of the unique things), the unique thing is that players can also make their houses out of trees and rocks..

Title: Ankylosaurus simulator
Developer: Julia Qian
Internet: Offline
Size: 105 mb
Versi : 1.0.1 (latest version)
Genre : Survival, Simulation, Openworld
Requirement: Android 4.3 and up
Year : 2021
Store : Playstore

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