Bahas Ending Game Bully Anniversary Edition Android Version

Bahas Ending game " Bully Anniversary Edition" Mimin tamatin versi Android mungkin kalian ada juga yang sudah namatin ini game di Jaman PS2 ya sama aja sih endingnya dimana karakter utama Jimmy bisa menyelesaikan misi atas kekacauan si Gary yang di perbuat memang sih karakter antagonis satu ini memang licik wkwk menghasut semua anak sekolahan menjadi tawuran atas kekacauan yang terjadi di sekolahan dan akhirnya Jimmy bisa menyelesaikan berkat bantuan juga Russell dan teman-temannya.

/Discussing the ending of the game "Bully Anniversary Edition" Mimin finished the Android version, maybe some of you have already finished this game in the PS2 Age, yes, the ending is the same, where the main character Jimmy can complete the mission over Gary's chaos, which is what this antagonist character does. sly wkwk instigated all the school children into a brawl over the chaos that occurred at school and finally Jimmy was able to solve it thanks to the help of Russell and his friends.
Screenshot :
Nice Graphics
Nice Fighting face 2 face
Epic moment and missions
This Antagonist Character
Nice Gameplay
Missions on Schools
Team Mate
Happy Carnival 

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