Grand Survival Ocean Adventure Mod APK

(Mod Apk)

Bahas game offline baru lagi yg sudah rilis di Tahun 2021 sekarang lumayan bagus, dg grafis kartun & colourful serta visual yg bagus, dg size yg bersahabat.
Merupakan game simulasi survival yg bagus, dari gameplay & grafis cukup mirip game " epic raft tapi yg ini lebih kompleks dan menarik, karna ada storyline yg bisa player nikmati, game ini ngk berfokus di laut & bertahan hidup di atas sampan, tapi player akan menjelajahi beberapa pulau untuk mencari item, menjalankan misi / menyelamatkan para survivor lain. Karakter utama di game ini akan menghadapi banyak ancama bahaya, kalo di laut musuh nya buaya sedangkan kalo di darat akan berhadapan dg zombie2 besar & hewan liar & buas yg berbahaya.

/Discuss another new offline game that was released in 2021, now it's pretty good, with cartoon & colorful graphics and good visuals, with a friendly size.
This is a good survival simulation game, from gameplay and graphics, it is quite similar to the "epic raft" game but this one is more complex and interesting, because there is a storyline that players can enjoy, this game does not focus on the sea and survival on the canoe, but players will explore several islands to look for items, carry out missions / save other survivors. The main character in this game will face many dangers, if at sea the enemy is crocodiles while on land they will be faced with big zombies & dangerous wild & wild animals.

Title: Grand Survival Ocean Adventure
Developer: Supermetacore
Mode: ofline
Size: 111 mb
Genre: Survival, Simulation
Requirement Android 4.4 and up
Year : 2021
Store : Playstore (Free Game)

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