Lorcan The Leprechaun Genre: Platformer, Adventure (ANDROID OFFLINE GAME) New In 2021

Kali ini Mimin bahas game offline baru yg rilis tahun 2021 sekarang dan sudah ada di Playstore game bagus ini masih tahap
Demo / Masih tahap beta test, tapi game nya bagus dan berpotensi semoga aja segera di rilis full version nya.

Merupakan game adventure platformer 3D dengan grafis colouful yg bagus, game ini sekilas mirip dg game " super bear adventure ". Gameplay juga mirip. Digame ini player akan menjadi karakter Leprechaun (semacam kurcaci) yang bernama Lorcan. Si Lorcan ini berpetualang dengan misi mengambil kembali guci emas yg dicuri dari clover temple.
Selain melakukan misi si lorcan juga harus mengambil koin dan item yg lain, jg harus menyelesaikan beberapa puzzle yg menarik. Dan player jg bisa melakukan beberapa mekanisme action seperti melompat, muter2 (Berguna saat mengalahkan musuh), dan Si Lorcan ini jg bisa berenang.
Game yg sangat menarik dan layak ditunggu full version nya.

/This time, Mimin discusses a new offline game that will be released in 2021 now and is already on the Playstore. This good game is still in stages
Demo / Still in beta test stage, but the game is good and has potential, hopefully the full version will be released soon.

It is a 3D platformer adventure game with good colorful graphics, this game is at first glance similar to the "super bear adventure" game. Gameplay is also similar. In this game the player will become a Leprechaun character (a kind of dwarf) named Lorcan. The Lorcan is on an adventure with a mission to retrieve the gold jar that was stolen from the Clover Temple.
In addition to carrying out missions, the lorcan must also take coins and other items, and also have to solve some interesting puzzles. And players can also perform several action mechanisms such as jumping, muter2 (Useful when defeating enemies), and this Lorcan can also swim.
A very interesting game and worth waiting for the full version.

Title: Lorcan The Leprechaun
Genre: Platformer, Adventure
Developer: Hillcrest Games
Mode: offline
Size: 220 mb
Full Size: 358 mb
Versi: 0.0030
Requirement: Android 5.0 and up
Playstore: Yes (Demo / Beta test)

Video Gameplay

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