Suicide Guy New Game Android Offline in 2021 800mb APK+OBB

Merupakan game bertipe bertipe dark cuman penggambaran latar belakang yang justru berwarna mungkin dari ceritanya yang mengandung hal tersebut dimana player bermimpi harus menjatuhkan dirinya sendiri jika gagal di dunia nyata bakalan berakibat fatal, nanti kalian juga tau gimana dalam gamenya sendiri, game berlatar mirip Hello neighbor.
Size game 800mb

/It is a dark type game, only the background depiction is actually colorful, maybe from the story that contains this where the player dreams of having to throw himself down if failing in the real world it will be fatal, later you will also know how in the game itself, the game has a background similar to Hello neighbor.
Game size 800mb

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