Dungeon chronicle Action RPG Epic Battle Android Offline APK 50mb

Game offline lumayan bagus, dengan size kecil cuma 70 mb-an aja. Bukan lah game baru namun game lama yg udh rilis 2018 tapi game ini baru update dan baguslah masih selalu ada konten baru atau peningkatan". Di update terbarunya ini ditambahkan mode baru & perbaikan serta beberapa peningkatan.
Game punya grafis & visual yg cukup bagus.

Merupakan game RPG hack & slash penjelajahan dungeon kaya' game AnimaRpg dengan sistem gameplay floor/ level atau berbasis stage, beda nya game ini musuh banyak banget & nyerangnya keroyokan mirip game demons & dungeon (buat yg pernah main, gameplay nya kek gtu). 
Musuh nya sendiri gak cuma keroco nya aja tapi ada boss yang jadi akhir satu floor untuk ke floor selanjutnya.

Karakter di game gak hanya bisa pake satu jenis senjata tapi bisa pake 3 senjata sekaligus, selain itu saat mencapai level tertentu player bisa bawa satu partner, total ada 4 yang akan terbuka nantinya.

Di game ini tersedia 2 karakter (cewek & cowok), ada 2 mode yaitu control normal (mode biasa) & idle mode (mode yg lebih santai, auto jalan & serang), ada beberapa kostum, equipment, wings power up yg bisa dibeli.
Oh iya digame tersedia fitur save online di menu setting, tapi bisa langsung out game aja & progres gak akan ngulang.

/Offline games are pretty good, with a small size of only 70 mb. It's not a new game but an old game that has been released in 2018 but this game has just been updated and it's good that there is always new content or improvements." In this latest update, new modes & improvements and some improvements have been added.
The game has pretty good graphics and visuals.

It's a dungeon crawling hack & slash RPG game like the AnimaRpg game with a floor/level or stage-based gameplay system, the difference is that this game has a lot of enemies and attacks in gangs like demons & dungeon games (for those who have played, the gameplay is like that).
The enemy itself is not only the cockroach, but there is a boss who becomes the end of one floor to go to the next floor.

Characters in the game can not only use one type of weapon but can use 3 weapons at once, besides that when they reach a certain level the player can bring one partner, a total of 4 will be unlocked later.

In this game there are 2 characters (girls & boys), there are 2 modes, namely normal control (regular mode) & idle mode (more relaxed mode, auto walking & attack), there are several costumes, equipment, wings power ups that can be purchased.
Oh yes, in the game there is a save online feature in the settings menu, but you can just exit the game and the progress will not repeat.

Title Game: Dungeon Chronicle
Developer: BUNKERim Studio
Mode: Offline
Size : 78 mb
Version:3.01 (latest version)
Genre: Action, RPG
Requirement: Android 4.4 and up
Year : 2018
Store : Playstore (Free Game)

Video Gameplay

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