Neverwinter Nights RPG classic PC On Android Offline APK

Neverwinter Nights adalah
Salah satu CRPG yang based on dnd rules yg bagus selain Diablo, Baldur's gate sama Planescape torment..

Terlebih dengan module campaign yg bejibun dan masih update dikomunitasnya module nya juga bisa di pasang di versi android dengan mudah..

Serta server multiplayer lintas platform yg banyak walau rata- rata pemain aktif di server role-play.
Module di ss
siege of shadowdale -tyrants of the moonsea
Neverwinter night EE

/Neverwinter Nights is
One of the good CRPG based on and rules apart from Diablo, Baldur's gate and Planescape Torment..

Especially with the many campaign modules that are still being updated in their community, the module can also be installed on the Android version easily..

And a lot of cross-platform multiplayer servers even though the average player is active on the role-play server.
Modules in ss
siege of shadowdale -tyrants of the moonsea
Neverwinter night EE

Title : Neverwinter Nights
Genre : RPG
Size : 3GB+
Dev/Pub : Beamdog
Store : Playstore (Paid Game)
Platform : Android, PC
Rating : 3.9 from 5

Video Gameplay

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