Kali ini bahas game offline Tennis World Open 2021 Bergenre olahraga alias Sport yang bagus menurut Mimin sama halnya game Virtua Tennis, dengan size kecil cuma 50 mb an, tapi grafis & visual nya bagus & ringan dimainkan hp low end dan mid end tentunya. Bukanlah game baru, game nya udh rilis 2019 tapi game nya baru aja update bulan September. Untuk season 2021

Merupakan game sport tennis yg cukup seru, dan punya mekanisme kontrol yg sederhana, tapi kalo blom terbiasa akan kesusahan. Untuk server. Digame ini cukup swipe ke area lawan & begitu jg saat memukul bola seperti dengan cara yg sama.

Di game ini ngga bisa smash bola tapi bisa menggunakan energi untuk memperkuat pukulan. Game iní sangat dibutuhkan kecerdikan player mengarahkan bola ketitik yg ngk bisa dijangkau musuh, untungnya ada tanda bola akan mengarah kemana. Digame tersedia mode carrer & quick play, bisa ganti warna baju atlet nya, bisa ganti raket yg lebih bagus.

/This time, we will discuss the offline game Tennis World Open 2021. The sports genre, aka Sport, which is good according to Mimin, is the same as the Virtua Tennis game, with a small size of only 50 MB, but the graphics & visuals are good & easy to play on low end and mid end phones, of course. It's not a new game, the game has been released in 2019 but the game has just been updated in September. For season 2021

This is a tennis game that is quite fun, and has a simple control mechanism, but if you're not used to it, it's going to be difficult. For servers. In this game, just swipe to the opponent's area and so when hitting the ball like in the same way.

In this game, you can't smash the ball but you can use energy to amplify your punch. This game really requires player ingenuity to direct the ball to a point that the enemy cannot reach, fortunately there is a sign where the ball will lead. In the game, there are carrier and quick play modes, you can change the color of the athlete's clothes, you can change to a better racket.


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Title: Tennis World Open 2021
Version: 1.1.90 (latest version)
Size : 57 mb
Full Size :144 mb
Genre : Sport
Requirement: Android 5.0 and up
Year : 2019 updated 2021
Platform : Android & iOS

Video Gameplay

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