Cast magic New RPG Action Hack n Slash Android Offline 2021-2022 (Review + Download)


It's a HACK N SLAH RPG game, only halfline is not completely offline, so when you start playing you have to have an internet connection right in the map or game, you can go Offline or airplane mode, RPG action adventure game. Recommend from Mimin from Korea whose title is Cast Magic but in Playstore it's still a Korean title. only in the game there is English to make it easier to understand, the game is based on view top down gameplay. With Epic skill effects from characters, upgrade abilities and skills Equip Various kinds of armor etc

Merupakan game RPG HACK N SLAH cuman halfline belum sepenuhnya Offline jadi pas awal main harus koneksi internet pas dalam map atau permainan bisa Offline kan atau mode pesawat game petualangan RPG action Rekomendasikan dari Mimin asal Korea yang judul nya Cast Magic tapi di playstore masih judul bahas Korea cuman dalam gamenya ada bahasa Inggris buat lebih mudah dimengerti, gamenya berbasis view top down Gameplay . Dengan skill efek yang Epic Dari karakter , upgrade ability and skill Equip Berbagai macam armor dll

Title : Cast Magic
Genre : RPG, action
Size : 237mb
Dev/pub : Kuang
Year : 2021
Store : Playstore (Free Game)
Platform : Android
Rating : 7/10

Video Gameplay

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