GTA REAL LIFE OpenWorld Action Offline Android New Game 2021 Size 500mb APK




Another new GTA-like game, a fanmade game but different, I call it fanmade because there is the word "gta" but it's different because there's a Real Life embellishment, from the many developers who fanmade gta sa, gta 4, gta 5. This developer instead make something different but in my opinion it's good, different from the map / city that looks original or not plagiarized from the rockstar gta series, as far as I can remember, all the gta series rockstar maps / cities are not like this (corrections in the comments if you think the map / city is similar to one of the GTA series / other open world games).
This game is still in beta test so there is no mission yet, maybe
will be added later.
But besides that this game is good in terms of visuals, graphics, details. There are many NPCs & cars? Also, the city feels crowded, the view distance in this game is also good, and I agree that the developer made the weather in this game cloudy / cloudy which makes the light minimal, so the contrast and light are not excessive, and in my opinion games that tend to be dark / take at night make the graphics are better
(eg TDKR).
What needs to be updated in this game, the controls are made more comfortable, the object of the car is not visible from afar, you know? appears close to, often crashes. Yes, maybe that's all.
For those who want to try it, please, it's good for gabut, and if you want to check every update of this game, go directly to the YT developer.
*Update v.1.8
Added new highways connecting cities in future updates.

/Satu lagi game Mirip GTA yg baru lagi , game fanmade tapi beda, gw sebut fanmade karna ada kata " gta" namun berbeda karna ada embelz Real Life, dari sekian banyak developer yg pada bikin fanmade gta sa, gta 4, gta 5. Developer ini malah bikin yg berbeda tapi menurut gw itu bagus, beda dari map / kota yg keliatan original atau Tidak menjiplak dari seri gta nya rockstar, setau & seinget gw semua seri gta nya rockstar map / kota nya ngk kaya' gini (koreksi dikomen kalo menurut kalian map/kota nya mirip sama salah satu seri gta / game open world lain).
Game ini masih beta test jadi blom ada misi nya, mungkin
nanti bakal ditambahkan.
Tapi disamping itu game ini udh bagus dari segi visual, grafis, detailnya. Npc yg udh banyak & mobil? jg jadi kota terasa rame, view distance digame ini jg udh bagus, dan gw setuju sih developer nya membuat cuaca digame ini berawan / mendung yg membuat minim cahaya jadinya kan ngk berlebihan kontras &cahayanya, dan menurut gw game yg cenderung gelap/ mengambil waktu malam membuat grafis nya lebih bagus
(contohnya TDKR).
Yg perlu diupdate digame ini , kontrol nya dibuat lebih nyaman objek mobil nya itu ngk terlihat dari jauh, tau? muncul pas deket, sering bikin nabrak. Ya mungkin Segitu aja sih.
Buat yg mau coba silahkan, mayan buat gabut, dan kalo mau cek setiap update game ini langsung aja ke YT developer nya.
*Update v.1.8
Ditambahkan jalan raya baru yang menghubungkan kota-kota di update mendatang.

Developer Momo Devs
Size: 413 mb
Version: 1.8 (latest version)
Genre : OpenWorld, Action
Status Game : Beta Test
Year : 2021

Video Gameplay

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