Nexomon 2 Extinction Game Baru Mirip Pokemon Offline Untuk HP Android Size 1.1gb APK

This time Mimin discussed a game request from a friend on Instagram, mimin @gameandroidoffline named @sat.wg. He requested to discuss this game. Coincidentally, Mimin is looking for a Pokemon RPG Turnbased game. Well, this game Nexomon Extinction just released in 2021 and is already available on Playstore with size apk 1gb+ Offline game mode.

This is another series from Nexomon or can be called a continuation or the 2nd Nexomon Series from Developer Vewo Interactive inc.
Gameplay is similar to Pokemon, there are monsters that we can choose to adventure and fight against other monsters. Can also catch new monster collections and increase skills etc.
In the adventure, a series of missions that we must complete, for example the mission to find items, open roads or dungeons. And puzzles in the game, there are many places that can be visited for missions and the map is quite extensive.

/Kali ini Mimin bahas game requestan dari teman di Instagram mimin @gameandroidoffline yang bernama @sat.wg dia request bahas game ini kebetulan Mimin lagi nyari game jenis Pokemon RPG Turnbased nah ini game Nexomon Extinction baru rilis di tahun 2021 dan sudah tersedia di Playstore dengan size apk 1gb+ Offline mode gamenya. 

Merupakan series lain dari Nexomon atau bisa disebut lanjutannya atau Series Nexomon ke 2 Dari Developer Vewo Interactive inc.
Gameplay ya Mirip Pokemon ada Monster yang bisa kita pilih untuk berpetualang dan melawan rintangan Monster lain. Bisa menangkap juga monster baru koleksi dan menaikan skill dll.
Dalam petualangannya serangkaian misi yang harus kita selesaikan misal misi mencari item , membuka jalan atau Dungeon Dan teka teki dalam permainan , banyak tempat yang bisa di kunjungi untuk misi dan map-nya cukup Luas






Title : Nexomon Extinction
Genre : RPG, Turnbased
Size : 1gb+
Store : Playstore
Year : 2021
Mode : Offline
Dev/Pub : Vewo Interactive
Rating : 4.6 from 5

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