Kali ini Mimin bahas Settingan Terbaik Untuk Game Downhill Dominate di Emulator PS2 AetherSx2 enjoy Selamat menonton dan duduk manis, tidak salahnya coba di device kalian yang spesifikasi lebih rendah atau lebih tinggi
/This time Mimin discusses the best settings for the Downhill Dominate Game on the PS2 Emulator AetherSx2 enjoy Enjoy watching and sit back, there's no harm in trying it on your device with lower or higher specifications
Device : Ratel Cell os Oreo (Snapdragon 835)
Tutorial Setting Fast Max Speed
/Buka Menu Setting
In General Disable Frame Limit for max Speed Have Absolutely
/Pada General menu non aktifkan Limit speed
/Pada Menu System pilih Underclocking EE Cycle Rate di angka 50%
For EE Cycle Rate set to Maximum Underclocking
Enable Multi-thread VU1 for have four big clock cpu like High end Chipset example SD845 855 865 etc but for Low Chipset Like SD4xx 6xx 7xx disable Multithread VU1Aktifkan Enable Multi-Thread VU1 untuk spesifikasi Chipset HP yang tinggi kaya SD845 855 865
Jika Spesifikasi Hp kalian low seperti Chipset Snapdragon 4xx 6xx 7xx series disable Multi-Thread VU1
Enable Fastmem, Enable Afinity, Enable Fast CD
Condition for Android 9 10 and higher OS with Chipset SD845 855 865 ++ USE Vulkan first if Okey didn't Force close use Vulkan if SD835 below USE OpenGL IN THIS I USE OpenGL , set Native Resolution 1x for Fast Speed
Enable Fastmem, Enable Afinity, Enable Fast CD
Condition for Android 9 10 and higher OS with Chipset SD845 855 865 ++ USE Vulkan first if Okey didn't Force close use Vulkan if SD835 below USE OpenGL IN THIS I USE OpenGL , set Native Resolution 1x for Fast Speed
/Kondisi untuk Android 9 10 dan OS yang lebih tinggi dengan Chipset SD845 855 865++ GUNAKAN Vulkan terlebih dahulu jika Okey tidak Force close gunakan Vulkan jika SD835 di bawah GUNAKAN OpenGL DI INI SAYA GUNAKAN OpenGL , set Native Resolution 1x untuk Fast Speed
Aspect Ratio for Full Display Use "Stretch"
/Untuk tampilan full Layar pilih Stretch
Disable Hot VSynch
Integer Scalinf off
Biliner Upscaling On
Bleeding accurate Set Basic
For Audio I setting to Nearest for Max Speed like in PPSSPP emulators and Synchronization mode to TimeStretch
This Advance Setting
Screenshot :
Video Tutorial + Gameplay
Okay, that's all the settings from Mimin for other games, it doesn't hurt to make the same as the settings that Mimin shared basically on Underclocking, the choice between OpenGL and Vulkan and Multithread on or off, it's recommended for big Core 4 devices, just activate it for Chipset Conditions 845 855 and above, now on Multithread if the condition of the SD835 specification is like Mimin, it would be better to turn it off because it's fast, but just try for other games, on off, choose which one is fast speed.
/Oke Sekian Settingan dari Mimin untuk Game lainnya tidak salahnya samakan saja seperti settingan yang sudah Mimin share intinya pada Underclocking ,Pemilihan antara OpenGL dan Vulkan serta Multithread on atau off nah disarankan untuk device big Core 4 aktifkan saja untuk Kondisi Chipset 845 855 keatas nah pada Multithread jika kondisi spesifikasi SD835 kaya Mimin gunakan alangkah baiknya offkan karena biar cepat tapi coba saja untuk game lainnya on off kan pilih mana yang fast speed.
Download Emulator AetherSx2 check here Visit
For Other Lowest Chipset Like Snapdragon 4xx 6xx and Mediatek this Best Settings AetherSx2 Fast Speed Max
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