Sky Baron War Of Planes Developer: PBL Games Mode: Offline Size : 106 mb Versi: 3.15 ( latest version ) Genre : Shooter Requirement : Android 2.3 and up Mod: Unlock All Planes & Mission Platform : Android Year: 2015


This time Mimin discusses a good offline fighter plane game with a small size but the graphics & visuals are quite good, moreover this is an old game that was released in 2015 and the last update was 2017 but this game is still in the playstore, you must know the game "sky baron: war of nation" "Well this is the first series. This is an airplane war game using planes during the WW1 era (as far as mimin), and this first series can only be single player and the gameplay mission system but there is a survival mission as well, if the second series apart from playing offline, you can also play online too.
What I like the most in this game is that every mission the weather is different, sometimes it's sunny, sometimes it's cloudy, the controls in this game are 2:1. Analog & 2. Rotation, the controls are simple, I like the rotation control the most because it feels realistic & just better.
For those who like airplane war games with small and light sizes, this game is recommended. To try..
That is all and thank you

/Kali ini Mimin bahas game pesawat tempur offline bagus dengan size kecil tapi grafis & visual nya tergolong bagus, apalagi ini game old yg rilis 2015 dan terakhir update 2017 tapi game ini masih ada di playstore, kalian pasti tau game " sky baron: war of nation " nah ini adalah seri pertamanya. Ini adalah game perang pesawat dengan menggunakan pesawat pada jaman PD 1 (setau mimin), dan seri pertama ini cuma bisa single player dan sistem gameplay mission tapi ada misi survival juga, kalo seri kedua nya selain main offline juga bisa main online jg.
Yg paling gw suka di game ini setiap misi itu cuaca nya beda2, kadang cerah kadang agak mendung, kontrol digame ini juga ada 2:1. Analog & 2. Rotasi, simpel sih kontrol nya gw paling suka kontrol rotasi karna kerasa realistis & lebih enak aja.
Buat yg suka game perang pesawat dengan size kecil & ringan, game ini rekomend. Untuk dicoba..
Sekian dan terimakasih 

Title : Sky Baron War Of Planes
Developer: PBL Games
Mode: Offline
Size : 106 mb
Versi: 3.15 ( latest version )
Genre : Shooter
Requirement : Android 2.3 and up
Mod: Unlock All Planes & Mission
Platform : Android
Year: 2015
Store : Playstore (Free Game)

Video Gameplay

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