Nih gw share game offline bagus & game lama tapi keren, game yg udh ilang dari play store dan terakhir update 2016, kurang tau pasti rilis nya, game yg punya size relatif bersahabat dg grafis visual yg bagus, dg atmosfer horror yg kerasa dan nuansa tahun 80 an yg keliatan bagus.
Merupakan game horror dg sudut pandang orang pertama yg unik karna player akan masuk kedalam seperti rekaman penyelidikan dan eksplorasi 3 tokoh di suatu tempat misterius yg menyeramkan, yg punya experience berbeda dan lokasi yg
berbeda namun story nya saling berhubungan.
Player hanya dibekali cahaya senter dari hp nya untuk melihat pekat nya kegelapan dan memudahkan melihat item 2/ petunjuk yg bermanfaat, game yg punya kontrol dual analog mungkin sebagian player ngk terbiasa, tapi lama jg terbiasa dengan kontrol nya..
Buat yg suka game horor seperti ini, game ini rekomend.
Untuk dicoba..
Sekian dan terimakasih
/Here, I'm sharing good offline games and old but cool games, games that have disappeared from the play store and the last 2016 update, I don't know for sure about the releases, games that have relatively friendly sizes with good visual graphics, with a horror atmosphere that feels and feel of the year 80's that looks good.
This is a horror game with a unique first-person perspective because the player will enter into something like a recording of the investigation and exploration of 3 characters in a mysterious, scary place, which has a different experience and a different location.
different but the stories are interconnected.
Players are only provided with a flashlight from their cellphone to see how thick the darkness is and make it easier to see items 2/ useful hints, games that have dual analog controls maybe some players won't get used to it, but it takes a long time to get used to the controls..
For those who like horror games like this, I recommend this game.
To try..
That is all and thank you
Title : The Final Take
Developer: Forever Entertainment
Size: 339 mb
Genre: Horror
Requirement Android 4.1 and up
Play Store : Unavailable
Video Gameplay
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