Aerofly FS 2022 Developer: IPACS Mode : offline Version: 20.22.03 Size: 3.9 gb Genre: Simulation Requirement: Android 8.0 and up Year : 2021/2022

(Original Playstore Versión)

Just to share and give information, the newest in 2022 game/newest series of the aerofly game (a good airplane simulation game), the game that was released 2 days before the new year, for those who like airplane pilot simulation games, you can try it, I don't like the game myself. airplane simulation like this. This game is paid for a hefty price (129,000) but it's worth it with ok graphics and realistic flight ship simulation, I'm just letting you know and I've also researched, but there's no free download link / mod link..
Actually, I've found the link, but the website is very dubious, especially the mod version that is shared, even though on the second website, Moddroid (Modyolo) is already there but the download link isn't there, so Mimin will share the original Playstore version, ok.
That is all and thank you ...

/Sekedar share & ngasih info nih, udh rilis game terbaru/ seri terbaru dari game aerofly ( game simulasi pesawat yg bagus), game yg rilis 2 hari sebelum tahun baru, buat yg suka game simulasi pilot pesawat bisa di coba, gw sendiri kurang suka game simulasi pesawat seperti ini. Game ini berbayar dg harga yg lumayan ( 129.000) tapi worth it sih dengan grafis ok dan simulasi kapal penerbangan yang realistis, gw hanya infoin aja ya dan gw jg udh research blom ada link free download / link mod nya..
Sebenarnya gw udh nemu link nya tapi web nya sangat meragukan apalagi yg di share versi mod, padahal di web kedua nya moddroid ( modyolo ) aja udh ada tapi link download nya blom ada jadi Mimin share versi original playstore aja ok.
Sekian & terimakasih ...

Info Game
Title : Aerofly FS 2022
Developer: IPACS
Mode : offline
Version: 20.22.03
Size: 3.9 gb
Genre: Simulation
Requirement: Android 8.0 and up
Year : 2021/2022
Rating : 4.0 from 5
Store : Playstore (Paid Game)
Platform : Android

Video Gameplay

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