Recommendations other than Ipega Gamepad Bluetooth for Android, this time, Mimin, fully discusses another brand of Gamepad, namely DOBE
DOBE Ti-582
Gamepad hurray, cheap but not cheap...
With a price below 100k (I would rather buy it at a price of 81k) this gamepad can be said to have a build quality that is quite ok
The buttons feel soft, except for the d-pad which feels a bit hard, but that's okay, it's still acceptable, the analog is also good, smooth.
The clamp/grip'a itself feels solid, plus the knob on the right side that functions to lock the clamp/grip to make it more secure..
The physical dimensions are small, the weight is also very light, 11-12 is the expensive gamepad brand Wee 21, definitely easy and comfortable to carry around...
During the testing of playing games, whether it's Android games, or PS2 games that are played through the Aether SX2 emulator, we haven't found anything called delay... (Usually the delay on cheap gemepads costs 30k)
Recommended for those of you who want to buy a gamepad at an affordable price, but definitely don't expect more considering the price offered...
That's the discussion of complementary gadgets for Gaming on Android Mobile
/Rekomendasi selain Ipega Gamepad Bluetooth buat di Android kali ini mimin Bahas lengkap Gamepad merk lain yaitu DOBE
DOBE Ti-582
Gamepad kere hore, murah namun tidak murahan...
Dengan harga dibawah 100k (lebih tepat ane beli dengan harga 81k) gamepad ini bisa dibilang memiliki build quality yg terbilang lumayan ok
Untuk tombolnya terasa empuk, kecuali d-pad yg agak terasa keras, tpi gak apa apa masih bisa diterima, analog pun juga mantab, smooth.
Untuk clamp/grip'a itu sendiri terasa kokoh, ditambah dengan knob yg ada disisi kanan yg berfungsi untuk mengunci clamp/grip tersebut biar makin aman..
Dimensi fisik'a kecil, bobot'a pun juga ringan banget, 11-12 lah dgn merk gamepad mahal Wee 21, pastibmudah dan nyaman untuk dibawa bepergian...
Selama pengetesan bermain game, baik itu game Android, maupun game PS2 yg dimainkan melalui emulator Aether SX2 belum ditemukan ada yg namanya delay... (Biasanya delay pada gemepad murahan yang harganya 30rb)
Recommended kalian yg ingin beli gamepad dengan harga terjangkau, namun pasti nya jgn berharap lebih mengingat harga yg ditawarkan...
Sekian bahasan gadget pelengkap buat Gaming di Mobile Android
AetherSx2 Emulator Check Here
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