Discuss HD offline games that are good, with a fairly small size but indeed quite heavy, the game needs a rather high specification (you can set the graphics if it lags). The old game was released, to be precise last October 2021
It's an Action TPS game with cool & absurd graphics, it's cool because good graphics, visuals, details, shadows, reflections add to the experience of this game. The absurd part is that the character we control is a soldier in full armor like a medieval soldier, and the enemy is people in PPE/lab clothes, but not all of them. Anyway, this is absurd, I don't know what the theme of the game is from Dev. Another absurd thing is that the main character brings a box of milk (in other people's eyes this is just a box of milk but in their eyes it is the key to increase blood). uh drink
Milk eh " wkwkkw
Back to the game, there's not much to discuss with this game because the gameplay is just wave/survival (but it's okay), one interesting thing in this game is that there is a cheat that can be unlocked when completing the mission. This game uses the unity engine, not the unreal engine, let alone using the "Uh Eh 4" appendage in the game
For those who are confused and want to try this HD game, I recommend it.
Make it download..
That is all and thank you..
/Bahas HD game offline yg bagus , dengan size cukup kecil tapi memang cukup berat gamenya perlu spesifikasi agak tinggi ( bisa di set. Grafis nya kalo lag ). Game yg mayan lama rilis, tepat nya bulan Oktober tahun kemarin 2021
Merupakan game Action TPS dengan grafis yg keren & absurd, keren nya karna grafis, visual, detail, shadow, reflection yg bagus menambah hade game ini. Bagian absurd nya adalah karakter yg kita kendalikan adalah seorang prajurit berbaju besi lengkap mirip prajurit abad pertengahan gitu, dan musuh nya orang berbaju APD/ lab gtu tapi gak semua. Pokoknya ini memang absurb kwkwkw entah apa tema game dari Dev nya, Hal absurd lainnya karakter utama bawa2 kotak susu ( dimata orang lain ini hanyalah sekotak susu tapi dimatanya adalah kunci untuk menambah darah).yg gw pikirinkan " udh keren pake baju besi kaya' prajurit eh minum
Susu eh " wkwkkw
Kembali ke game, gak banyak yg bisa dibahas dg game ini karna ya gameplay cuma wave/ survival ( tapi mayan lah), satu hal menarik di game ini ada cheat nya yg bisa di unlock saat menyelesaikan misinya. Ini game pake engine unity, bukan unreal engine, apalagi pake embel "Uh Eh 4 di game nya
Buat yg gabut dan mau coba game hd ini rekomend.
Buat di download..
Sekian dan terimakasih..
Title: Horda
Developer Andres Restrepo
Mode: Offline
Size: 105 mb
Year : 2021
Versi: 1.1.1 ( latest version )
Genre: Action, Tps
Requirement : Android 4.4 and up
Store : Playstore (Free Game)
Platform : Android
Video Gameplay
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