NoH Exodus Remastered Version support OS 11 Android Game Offline APK OBB




/Bahas game offline lawas atau jadul di Android yg bagus, kurang tau pasti kapan rilis nya, yg pasti game ini terakhir update 2016 game dengan size relatif kecil untuk saat ini kalo pada masa game ini rilis size segini tergolong medium. Game dengan grafis & visual yg cukup bagus, untuk game yg rilis waktu itu. Dan game nya udh pasti udh ngk ada di playstore.

Merupakan game action rpg penjelajahan dungeon mirip anima rpg , player akan berperan sebagai prajurit yg menjelajahi satu dungeon gelap yg di penuhi monster yyg beragam atas perintah dewa dan monster di sebut sebagai" transformation " yg terlahir dari dewa yg jahat.
Awalnya karakter utama digame hidup di negri yg harmonis, tertib, dan damai. Tapi tanpa diketahui tiba tiba terbukalah portal dari dunia lain yg datang banyak monster menyerang, karakter utama game ini bertugas membunuh semua monster itu dan menutup portal tersebut.

Link tanpa mod god mode / high damage 
*Gak termasuk mod support os 11/ remastered, gw ngk tau pasti support sampe os brapa.
Buat yg suka game action rpg seperti ini, game ini rekomend.
Untuk dicoba..
Sekian dan terimakasih..
Edisi #gamejadul

Game Android Offline", sering share game offline baru, update mod terbaru, dan share mod remastered game old seperti ini.

Talk about good old or old offline games on Android, not sure when they will be released, what is certain is that this game was the last update in 2016 with a relatively small size game for now when this game was released this size was classified as medium. A game with pretty good graphics and visuals, for a game that was released at that time. And the game is definitely not on the playstore.

An action rpg dungeon exploration game similar to anima rpg, players will act as warriors who explore a dark dungeon filled with various monsters on the orders of gods and monsters called "transformations" born from evil gods.
Initially the main character in the game lived in a country that was harmonious, orderly, and peaceful. But without knowing it suddenly opened a portal from another world that came with many monsters attacking, the main character of this game is in charge of killing all the monsters and closing the portal.

Link without mod god mode / high damage
*Not including mod support os 11/ remastered, I don't know for sure how many OS it supports.
For those who like action rpg games like this, this game is recommended.
To try..
That is all and thank you..
#gamejadul edition

Offline Android games", often share new offline games, update the latest mods, and share remastered old game mods like this.

Info Game
Title  NoH: Exodus
Developer : Digital World JSC
Mode: Offline
Size 209 mb
Version : 1.11 (Last version )
Genre : Action, Rpg
Requirement : Android 2.3 and up
Play Store: Unavailabe
- Unlimited Money
- Unlimited Diamond
- God Mode
- High Damage
Support Os 11 to below

Video Gameplay

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