/Game Indonesia yg keren dan ajib ini syang nya harus underrated ya di store syang skali
Jgan tertipu dengan tampilan yg unyu unyu khas game slice of life ini bre yap betul apanya yg betul karna tidak ada simulasi kehidupan normal disini.
Mengusung tema horror dengan konsep MOE 2.5D tidak mengurangi kesan horror nya ya walau + dengan keimutan karakter karakter yg ada, game ini jga cocok untuk para cwek yg mau game horror tapi jga mau yg mengemaskan dalam satu tempat setidaknya mengurangi rasa takut saat bermain game horror.
Walau game ini underrated secara unduhan bahkan cuma +100 tapi cerita yg dibawakan sangat mudah dipahami untuk player awam kaya gw ini, sedikit puzzle menambah gameplay nya lebih objektif sehingga kita jga tidak mudah bosan saat bermain karna sedkit diminta berfikir yeee kan. Selain itu fitur save jga disediakan Iho itu menunjukkan bahwa game nya akan berdurasi cukup lama + kontrol pun dibuat senyaman mungkin untuk player mobile.
Sesungguhnya game ini bagus banget dari efek visual,sound, desing karaktet maupun karakteristik setiap katakter nya dibuat cukup niat oleh sang pengembangan thx buat game
keren ini.
This cool and awesome Indonesian game, unfortunately, should be underrated in the store, I'm sorry
Don't be fooled by the cute appearance typical of this slice of life game, it's true what's right because there is no normal life simulation here.
Carrying a horror theme with the MOE 2.5D concept, it doesn't reduce the impression of horror, even though + with the cuteness of the existing characters, this game is also suitable for girls who want horror games but don't want to pack them in one place at least reduce fear when playing horror games .
Even though this game is underrated by download, even only +100, but the story that is told is very easy to understand for a lay player like me, a little puzzle makes the gameplay more objective so we don't get bored easily when playing because we are a little bit asked to think, right. In addition, the save feature is also provided, Iho, it shows that the game will be long enough + the controls are made as comfortable as possible for mobile players.
Actually this game is really good, from the visual effects, sound, character design and the characteristics of each character, it was made quite intentional by the developer, thx for the game
this cool.
Title: Makhluk Halus
Dev/Pub: Rinnan Kanvas
Genre: Adventure,Horror
Status: Free
Os Req: 4.4 or Up
Size: 300Mb
Mode: offline
Store : PlayStore
Video Gameplay
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