Here Mimin discusses a good new offline game, a new game released in 2022
this month, games with medium size for games now with
good graphics and visuals using the unreal engine.
It is an action adventure themed tps game
adventure in a very large spaceship similar
the game "dead space" the enemy is also aliens with various forms. The difference is this game is added puzzle elements with
The difficulty level is different, so in addition to killing aliens, exploring every place to find weapons/items, players also have to solve each puzzle to unlock something.
room. This game has its objectives and gameplay system
adventure is not a level, there is also a place for saving so that if you die you don't repeat too far. In this game the player will be equipped with
1 primary weapon and 2 secondary weapons.
For those who like tps adventure games like this, this game is recommended. To try...
/Nih Mimin bahas game offline baru yg bagus, game baru rilis di tahun 2022
bulan ini, game dg size medium untuk game sekarang dengan
grafis dan visual bagus pake unreal engine.
Merupakan game tps action adventure bertemakan
petualangan di pesawat luar angkasa yg sangat besar mirip
game "dead space " musuh nya jg alien dg berbagai macam bentuk. Beda nya game ini ditambahkan unsur puzzle dg
tingkat kesulitan berbeda, jadi selain membunuh alien, berjelajah setiap tempat untuk nyari senjata/ item, player jg harus memecahkan setiap puzzle nya untuk membuka suatu
ruangan. Game ini ada objektif nya dan sistem gameplay nya
petualangan bukan level, ada tenpat saving nya jg biar kalo mati ngk ngulang terlalu jauh. Digame ini player akan dibekali
1 senjata primer dan 2 senjata sekunder.
Buat yg suka game tps adventure seperti ini, game ini rekomend. Untuk dicoba...
Info Game
Title : Argosy Space Adventure
Developer : Xivon Interactive
Mode : Offline
Size: 544 mb
Versi 1.0 (latest version )
Genre Action, Tps, Adventure
Requirement: Android 5.0 and up
Platform : Android
Store : Playstore
Year : 2022
Video Gameplay
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