Kumpulan 2 Game Android Casual Offline Menenangkan dan Santai (Cat & Soup, Fishing & Life)

Here, this time there are 2 recommendations for indie aesthetic games with graphics and backsounds that spoil the eyes and ears for relaxation when relaxing

1. Cats & Soup. Just manage a small village with cats that have local soup products

2. Fishing & Life. The story is about a man who is too busy with his job and decides to change jobs according to his interests. Here you will fish accompanied by a beautiful background view both day and night.
Size below 100mb, full offline and available in playstore. For those who are bored with games with excessive skill effects and game mechanics that are quite difficult, this is really recommended, especially for relaxing with simple gameplay

/Nih fren kali ini ada 2 rekomendasi game indie aesthetic dengan grafik dan backsound yang memanjakan mata dan telinga buat relaksasi dikala santai

1. Cats & Soup. Cuma ngatur sebuah desa kecil punya para kucing yang mempunyai produk lokal sup 

2. Fishing & Life. Ceritanya tentang seorang pria yang suntuk sama kerjaannya dan memutuskan ganti kerjaan sesuai minatnya. Disini kalian akan memancing ditemani background pemandangan yang indah baik siang maupun malam.
Size dibawah 100mb, full Offline dan ada di playstore. Buat yang bosen sama game dengan efek skill berlebihan dan mekanik game yang cukup susah, ini recommended banget si terutama buat santai dengan Gameplay yang simpel

Video Gameplay

1. Cat & Soup Download

2. Fishing & life Download

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