The Wild Darkness Genre : Survival, Rogue Like, RPG Size : 94mb Year : 2020 Store : Playstore (Free Game) Platform : Android Rating : 4.5 from 5 Dev/ Pub : Popeyed inc

(Mod Money & Immortality)


(Original Version)

Request a discussion from a friend in the comments column first who said he discussed this game.. well yesterday Mimin was busy in the Real world on this occasion Mimin discussed an exciting light game

Now, this time it's a Dungeon Rugue-themed game where survival or survival looks for resources to build a place to defend against monsters, uncover the secrets that are in it in the forest and mysterious caves where the player is told that somehow he can wake up in a place he doesn't know yet, so that's where the beginning start the game story begins.

/Request pembahasan dari teman di kolom komentar dulu yang katanya bahas game ini.. nah kemarin mimin sibuk di dunia Real pada kesempatan ini Mimin bahas game ringan yang seru

Nah kali ini game bertema Dungeon Rugue like dimana bertahan hidup atau survival mencari resource membangun tempat bertahan melawan monster  mengungkap rahasia yang ada didalamnya di dalam hutan dan goa yang misterius dimana player di ceritakan entah kenapa bisa terbangun di suatu tempat yang belum ia ketahuilah nah disanalah awal mula cerita game dimulai.

Info Game
Title : The Wild Darkness
Genre : Survival, Rogue Like, RPG
Size : 94mb
Year : 2020
Store : Playstore (Free Game)
Platform : Android
Rating : 4.5 from 5
Dev/ Pub : Popeyed inc

Video Gameplay

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