Emulator Nintendo Switch For Android Mobile Released in 2022 Playable Now + Link Download


Skyline Emulator : Download

Try the Skyline emulator (Nintendo Switch emulator) it's really smooth, the 30fps is smooth, it's not slow mo and the sound is really smooth, and it's still in the development stage, so only a few games that are playable can be played here. Test the 2D game, and the stability is smoother. Snapdragon Chipset to play this emu ... With render graphics processing, maybe due to volcanic eruptions, which makes it lighter than openGL, this is 100% using Vulcan because it's in the Skyline Emulator..
Indeed, the development of emulators is very much developed on Mobile Android. From PS2, which is very smooth, AetherSx2 and Skyline, and indeed this emulator does not need a special gamepad to play Nintendo Switch games, so let's wait for the development of this new emulator in 2022.

/Nyoba Skyline emulator (Nintendo Switch emulator) lancar banget, 30fps nya lancar nggak slow mo dan suaranya mulus parah, dan ini masih tahap pengembangan ya baru dikit games yang playable bisa dimainkan disini Test game 2D, dan mantepnya lebih lancar snapdragon Chipset buat main ni emu... Dengan pengolahan grafis render mungkin gegara vulkan sih yang membuat ringan dibandingkan openGL, ini 100% pake vulkan soalnya di Emulator Skyline nya.. 
Memang perkembangan emulator sangat banyak perkembangan di Mobile Android Dari PS2 yang sangat lancar AetherSx2 dan Skyline ini dan memang emulator ini tidak perlu gamepad khusus buat memainkan games Nintendo Switch so kita tunggu saja perkembangan emulator baru Ini di tahun 2022

Device : Ratel Cell (Snapdragon 835)
Emulator : Skyline beta version
Game : ScourgeBringer

Source :

List 28 Games Playable Now 04-2022 

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