Ada game RPG offline baru rilis bulan Juni 2021 kemarin bagus & seru, game terbaru nya square enix, developer yang gk asing lagi & gk di ragukan lagi untuk game game nya khusus nya game RPG,
Berbeda dengan game buatan square enix yg lain, yang rata rata RPG jenus turn based, kali ini genre nya action rpg petualangan dan seru.
/There is a new offline RPG game released in June 2021 yesterday that was good & fun, the latest game is Square Enix, a developer who is not foreign and there is no doubt about the game, especially RPG games,
Unlike other games made by Square Enix, which are mostly turn based RPGs, this time the genre is action RPG, adventure and fun.
I've finished this game with a side story, I'm against Anise. Oh yeah, there's one more thing, there's a side story where you have to fight boss Anise with a dragon, and the game is the most fun, dude. Yes, the remake has an additional story, so there is more replay value.
Games: ToM
Aku dah tamat game ini dengan side story, aku lawan anise. Oh ya, ada satu lagi, disitu ada side story yang harus lakukan lawan boss anise dengan naga gitu, dan paling gamenya seru coy. Ya, diremake ada tambahan story, sehingga lebih ada replay value.
Game: ToM
Title: Trials Of Mana
Developer: SQUARE ENIX
Mode: Offline
Size 1.1 gb
Versi 1.0.1 (latest version)
Genre: Rpg, Action
Requirement: Android 7.0 and up
Store : Playstore (Paid Game)
Year : 2021
Video Gameplay
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