Asphalt Racing Race ( Unreleased) Developer: Gameloft Mode: Offline Size 191 mb Version: 1.0.0p (Pre-Alpha) Genre : Racing PlayStore : Unavailable Mod: Support OS Android 11 & Full Offline

Kali ini Mimin bahas game offline Balapan Lawas Dari Asphalt dengan size kecil dari dev."
Gameloft", walaupun grafis biasa ya maklum aja game old ditambah lagi ini versi pre-alpha nya, tapi menarik untuk di bahas sih. Seri yg langka nih bahkan mimin yg sudah main & tamat hampir semua game gameloft baru tau seri game Asphalt series yg ini, maka dari itu game menarik untuk dibahas.

Cukup minim info yg di dapet tentang game ini, jadi kalo ada yg tau bisa tambahin dikomen. Oke seri ini adalah bisa di bilang tahap alpa / lite nya dari asphalt 8, dan apakah ini versi alpha dari asphalt nitro seperti gak karna beda lagi, dari tampilan nya sendiri game ini beda sama seri asphalt yg lain.
Walaupun ini versi pre-alpha tapi cukup banyak fitur yg bisa dinikmati, seperti 8 mode unik : classic race, beat em all, elimination, traffic run, speed trap, time trial, big score, beat the rank. Tersedia 12 mobil yg bisa di unlock, upgrade, dan di kustom. 3 jenis kontrol.

Buat yg suka game racing old seperti ini, game ini rekomend. Untuk di coba.
Sekian dan terimakasih..

/This time Mimin discusses the offline game Racing Lawas From Asphalt with a small size from the dev."
Gameloft", even though the graphics are ordinary, you know, there's an old game plus this is a pre-alpha version, but it's interesting to discuss it. This is a rare series, even Mimin, who has played and finished almost all Gameloft games, has only just found out about this Asphalt series. , therefore the game is interesting to discuss.

There's quite a bit of info that I get about this game, so if anyone knows, they can add a comment. Okay, this series can be said to be in the alpha / lite stage from asphalt 8, and is this the alpha version of asphalt nitro like it's not because it's different, from the appearance itself this game is different from other asphalt series.
Although this is a pre-alpha version, there are quite a lot of features that you can enjoy, such as 8 unique modes: classic race, beat em all, elimination, traffic run, speed trap, time trial, big score, beat the rank. There are 12 cars that can be unlocked, upgraded, and customized. 3 kinds of control.

For those who like old racing games like this, this game is recommended. To try.
That is all and thank you..


Info Game
Title: Asphalt Racing Race (
Developer: Gameloft
Mode: Offline
Size 191 mb
Version: 1.0.0p (Pre-Alpha)
Genre : Racing
PlayStore : Unavailable
Mod: Support OS Android 11 & Full Offline

Video Gameplay

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