Game Baru Android Indomalet Simulasi Menjadi Seorang Kasir Minimarket

The new game is a simulation game selling mini market, but it's not officially released on Playstore, it's still in the development stage, it's good that there are more and more locally made indie games that are advancing the mobile game industry, which previously released the Warnet simulator game, the same type of game like this, the only difference is that we manage a stores or minimarkets provide goods selling goods, topup vouchers, etc., so that our stores develop and progress.
To download the apk, check here
and a PC version is also available, the game is still frequently updated.

/Game baru game simulasi berjualan mini market cuman belum rilis resmi di Playstore masih tahap pengembangan , mantap makin banyak game indie buatan lokal yang memajukan industri game mobile yang sebelumnya sudah rilis juga game Warnet simulator sama" jenis game seperti ini cuman bedanya ya ini kita mengelola sebuah toko atau minimarket menyediakan barang berjualan barang topup voucher dll, nah supaya toko kita berkembang dan maju.
Untuk download apk nya cek disini
dan tersedia versi PC juga, gamenya masih sering ada update.


Video Gameplay

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