Info Game Title: RoboWars Developer: MobilWay SA Mode : Offline Size : 150 mb Versi:1.0.1 (Latest version ) Genre: Action, Shooter, Arcade, Casual, Requirement: Android 4.4 and up Mod : Unlimited Money & Gems Year : 2022 Platform : Android

Link: Download

Here, I share a new offline game with a small size, colorful graphics and easy to play, this game has not been released in the Indonesian Playstore. still new in 2022
It is a casual fighting shooter that is suitable to be played between relaxing times, because this game includes a 1 vs 1 battle game with a short but fun time, where players will fight fellow robots against bots, the controls in this game are also very simple, to go forward - backward - fly into the air - and down just with analog and the shot button, shoot also auto aim if
the enemy is in the area of fire. In the arena there are also items that can help, such as explosive barrels and other supporting items.
In this game, players can also upgrade their robot skills, unlock and upgrade every weapon, and there are 13 robots that can be unlocked and upgraded too. In the game there are 8 different locations, each of which has 10 battles.
I hope that when it's released on the indo play store, this game will add an online mode/other features. like Multiplayer battle

/Nih gw share game offline baru dengan size kecil, grafis colourful dan ringan dimainkan, game ini blom rilis di playstore Indonesia. masih baru di tahun 2022
Merupakan Fighting shooter casual yg cocok dimainkan disela sela waktu santai, karna game ini termasuk game battle 1 vs 1 dengan waktu singkat tapi mayan asik, dimana player akan bertarung sesama robot lawan bot, kontrol digame ini pun sangat sederhana, untuk maju - mundur - terbang ke udara - dan turun cukup dg analog aja dan tombol shot, nembak jg auto aim kalo
musuh berada dalam area tembakan. Di arena jg ada benda yg bisa membantu seperti tong peledak dan item pendukung lainnya.
Di game ini player jg bisa upgrade skill robot nya, unlock dan upgrade setiap senjata, dan ada 13 robot yg bisa di unlock & di upgrade jg. Digame tersedia 8 lokasi berbeda, yg setiap lokasi terdapat 10 battle.
Harapan gw pas udh rilis di play store indo game ini ditambahkan mode online nya/ fitur lain nya. seperti Multiplayer battle

Info Game
Title: RoboWars
Developer: MobilWay SA
Mode : Offline
Size : 150 mb
Versi:1.0.1 (Latest version )
Genre: Action, Shooter, Arcade, Casual,
Requirement: Android 4.4 and up
Mod : Unlimited Money & Gems
Year : 2022
Platform : Android

Buat yg suka game action Fighting shooter seperti ini, game ini rekomend. Untuk dicoba..
Sekian dan terimakasih...

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